
Maintaining a Healthy Blood Pressure

By: Brenda Williams

High blood pressure or hypertension damages the coronary artery lining and eventually coronary blockages form. As blood pressure goes up, the blood strikes the side of the arterial wall with greater force. This causes some injury to the lining of the artery and the wall starts to thicken. Then the blood flow is restricted and the heart has to work harder.

Blood pressure is measured as systolic over diastolic. Systolic measures the heart at work, or the pumping of blood as the heart contracts. Diastolic measures the pumping of blood while the heart is resting.

A normal measurement is less than 130 systolic and less than 85 diastolic. The ideal is less than 120/80. When your measurement is 140/90 or higher you have high blood pressure or hypertension. Even slight hypertension puts one at risk for a heart attack.

Fortunately, hypertension can be prevented. Finnish researchers found that magnesium and potassium are very powerful blood pressure regulators. A diet, which is high in these two minerals, is very effective in controlling blood pressure. Bananas, milk, yogurt, wheat germ, and strawberries are good sources of these minerals. These minerals are available in supplements but you should check with your doctor before taking the supplements.

A diet high in fruits and veggies is also helpful. Nutritionists recommend eight daily servings of fruits and vegetables. Another recommended food is salsa and a half-cup of salsa is equal to a full serving of vegetables.

Most overweight people tend to have high blood pressure. If you are overweight you can lower you blood pressure three points by losing just ten pounds. Research shows that people who eat a breakfast that is low in fat but high in nutrients can do this. And even if you are not overweight, the low fat high nutrient breakfast will still help keep your blood pressure at optimal levels.

Another important factor in lowering blood pressure is relaxation. Epinephrine and cortisol are two stress hormones that raise blood pressure. Engaging in an activity that relaxes you decreases the levels of these hormones. A sure fire way to do this is to introduce some humor into your life. Read a funny book; watch a comedy sitcom or attend a comedy show. Whatever causes you to laugh will also relax you.

Moderate exercise is also effective in preventing hypertension. You don't have to work up a sweat at your local gym. Engaging in any aerobic activity that you enjoy is just as effective. The easiest one is walking if that is something you enjoy doing. However, when involved in any aerobic activity, you need to perform it for at least thirty minutes to derive the maximum benefit.

Also, remember when doing aerobic exercises you should always be "in oxygen." This means you should not be short of breath at any time you are actively engaged. For example, if you are walking, you should follow a pace at which you can carry on a conversation and not be out of breath. If you don't have a partner to converse with, try singing.

There are many hypertension medications available and if you have severe hypertension, your doctor will certainly prescribe these. However, many of these drugs have side effects, some of which are just beginning to be discovered. It is very much to your advantage if you can maintain your blood pressure at healthy levels through lifestyle changes and avoid the use of prescription drugs.

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How to Relax Your Eyes and See Better

By: Alice DeMont

You have probably experienced a feeling of strain in the eyes after hours of some monotonous activity, prolonged reading or sitting at the computer. Excessive close work can lead to deterioration of vision. Dr. Bates, an American ophthalmologist of the 20th century studied symptoms and causes of defective vision. He discovered that bad vision can be prevented and even reversed. All techniques are safe and beneficial not only for the eyes but for the mind as well.

Here are some relaxation techniques to boost the acuity of your eyesight according to Dr. Bates:

cover your closed eyes with your palms so there is no pressure on the eyelids and in a way that excludes all the light. Even a few seconds of palming help to reduce the stress. 5-10 minutes are even better. Combined with memory and imagination palming produces even better effect.

Sun treatment:
expose you closed eyelids to the direct sun rays (it can be done through the glass too, if necessary). Do not strain or tightly squeeze the eyelids, just expose them to the sun moving your head gently from side to side. It helps to reduce light sensitivity and reduce general stress. It is also great for releasing the neck muscles. This technique, too, can be combined with memory and imagination for better result.

just remember any pleasant event from your life or some beautiful scenery, for example a sunny tropical beach, mountainous landscape, etc. Some people find it helpful to remember black ink of the letters.

same thing, only instead of remembering you visualize some beautiful and relaxing scene, for example, meadow covered with beautiful flowers, clear lake, mountains, etc. It is helpful to visualize distant views and switch your glance between a distant objects and a close one. It is important to visualize pleasant thing and here of course it has its advantage over the memory. Also even you are doing it in your mind, remember to stay relaxed and not to strain. It does not matter if you cannot visualize clearly, you'll still get benefits.

move your glance from one side of the object to another and observe the object moving in the direction opposite to the movement of the eyes. In the normal eye shifting is done very rapidly so it helps to develop and maintain this habit.

Central fixation:
The part of the object one looks directly at is always seen the best. It is always used in combination with shifting. Do not try to see the whole object at once but rather shift you glance from point to point. It is actually automatic process, central fixation is rather a symptom than a cause of a good vision.

This is, in core, the Bates method. It is not exercises, it is maintaining correct visual habit. For more in-depth explanation I highly recommend you read the book of Dr. Bates Perfect Sight Without Glasses. It is very informative and a must read if you are serious for preserving your good eyesight. It is indispensable if your eyesight just started deteriorating.

Alice deMont writes about the Bates method and natural vision improvement. For more tips and techniques on how to see better, visit her blog http://thebatesmethod.blogspot.com


Start to See Your Own Beauty Today

By: Stephanie Russell

It has become the norm in today's society to see our flaws instead of our beauty. It seems like anytime anyone looks in the mirror anymore all they see is what they would change. They see love handles, they see flab, they see rolls, moles, and freckles. It seems that finding the good in one's appearance has become an impossibility.

It's sad really. We place the other people around us on pedestals, while we try to find a rock to hide behind. Then those of us who have managed to find the beauty within ourselves are considered vain and self centered. This is most visible in Hollywood, we pick apart the beauty of the most well known and admired women in the world. But then what are we left with? If these women can be the subject of such scrutiny, with every flaw pointed out on the pages of some tabloid magazine, what is the everyday woman left with?

Women, it's time to take back our strength and our beauty! No longer shall we be the victims of our own self hatred. It's time to take action and learn to love ourselves. We women have an immensely powerful combination of strength and beauty within us and in our bodies. It's time to release our innate power to the world.

So how do you get to the point where you truly love who you are and the body that you live in? You take it one step at a time. Start by noticing at least one thing that you love about yourself every time that you look in the mirror. It's there somewhere. Maybe you'll find it in the color of your eyes, in the curve of your shoulders, or the strength of your thighs. It's there, and you'll find it.

The next step is to quit your diet. There is no quick fix that will suddenly have you wake up tomorrow at the size of your dreams. It's about loving yourself as you are right now. If you're on a diet than you're telling yourself that you need to lose weight, and the more you tell yourself that you need to lose weight the more weight you have to lose.

Learn how to be healthy eating foods that you love. Find a way to learn how to think and act like one of those naturally thin women that have never counted a calorie in their lives. You know the ones, you may have silently resented them your whole life and now it's time to become one. Being naturally thin is possible, and it is possible for you.

The next step is to treat your body like it is the love of your life. You want your best relationship in the world to be the one you have with your own body. It's time to end the war we women have been raging on our bodies. We and our bodies want the same thing, to be strong, healthy, energized, and at our optimal size. We are far more likely to have that when we work with our bodies than if we work against our bodies.Now is the time to reestablish your connection with your body. Imagine that you had someone around you all the time telling you how awful you are, how fat you are, that you are worthless, and that you aren't worth being taken care of. You were constantly neglected by this person, and when ever you did try to speak up, they shoved chocolate cake into you. Your body desperately wants to be heard. However, your body has become so used to the neglect and abuse that you dish out to it on a regular basis that it is shutting you out.

How do you reestablish your connection with your body? Start by listening to and honoring the signals your body gives you. Do you need to sleep? Go to bed? Do you feel like getting fresh air and moving? Go for a walk. Are you hungry? Eat something yummy and enjoy every bite. Are you not hungry? Then don't eat that doughnut your coworker offered you. Your body is constantly sending you signals that indicate what it needs, start listening to these signals. The more you listen, the easier these signals are to hear.

Another way to reconnect with your body is to start moving it. For me, I connect best with my body when I dance or do yoga. My body loves to dance, and the more I do it the happier my body and I are together. It also tends to do good things for my waist line in fun and natural ways. For you, it may be that you connect with your body on your daily walk or run, playing tennis, or swimming. Discover your favorite way to move your body, and do it consistently. If you're not sure what activity your body likes best than take some classes and try new things. There is a physical activity out there that you and your body will love to do together.

Finally, take the time and put care in the way that you present yourself to the world. You treat your body with respect when you honor it and dress it nicely. You already know that you feel vastly different when you walk out the door in your favorite outfit with your hair and makeup done, than if you fall out of bed and throw the first thing on that you see.

Fill your closet with clothes that you love and that you look good in. No matter what your current size is, there are clothes that you look good on you and that you feel beautiful wearing. Make wearing these clothes a daily activity and you will boost your confidence and the feelings of you own beauty. Imagine how different your days will go if you start off feeling like the goddess you are. Start today! You deserve to feel beautiful right now.

Go to http://www.divinepathcoaching.com for your free 25 minute Having It All Coaching Session with expert intuitive life design coach Stephanie Russell and receive a personalized action plan for having it all. Spaces are limited so contact today.


Male Sexual Enhancement Tips!

By: Kelly Purden

Erectile dysfunction is a big blow to every man who experiences it. If you are under the notion that only men in their 50's and older are the ones susceptible to this problem, you are wrong. You may be in your 20's or 30's, active in school or at work, a fantastic athlete or a regular visitor of the gym, but you may still go through the nightmare of losing your appetite for sex or not having the "ability" to get your penis up and keep it that way during sexual intercourse.

The truth is, there are several causes of erectile dysfunction. It may be a result of a disorder among your nerves or hormones. It can be brought about by vascular diseases such as diabetes mellitus, high blood pressure and high levels of cholesterol in the body. Excessive smoking may also be a factor. There are also drugs which can lead to erectile dysfunction. Ultimately, your inability to get an erection and to keep it going is caused by the insufficient number of blood flowing through your penile nerves. If you have got this problem, here are some male sexual enhancement tips to ease you out of your un-sexy problem.

First male sexual enhancement tip is that you have to admit that you have a problem. It is embarrassing alright--especially if your family, friends, and colleagues will know that your date or your wife was not satisfied with your performance in bed--but you will not achieve anything if you will just leave it at that (an embarrassing piece of information about you). Just like any problem, you have to acknowledge it, and later on, you can seek help or find solutions to your "belittling" trouble.

Another male sexual enhancement tip: check your lifestyle. It has been mentioned that too much smoking can lead your penis to not perform to par when needed. Studies have also shown that drinking too much may actually lead to erectile dysfunction and a less-than-satisfying showing in bed. If you are guilty of these vices, you better quit or at least moderate them or else you will have more of them (and health problems) and less action in the bedroom.

Third male sexual enhancement tip: consult a doctor or a sex counselor about your problems when it comes to being intimate with other people. Your doctor will handle the physiological side of the problem. He will conduct tests to know what the roots of your problems are. He will also be able to give your prescription on what drugs to take to help you get in the mood again. The sex counselor, meanwhile, may handle the psychological aspect of the problem. It will help if you will bring your partner with you, so can discuss it with her.

The final male sexual enhancement tip: there are dozens of products in creams and pills, and treatments out there that are available to help you become more vital in bed once again and will help you achieve the erection or the size increase you want to perform better during sexual intercourse. There are creams and pills which you can get over the counter, while there are those which need prescription. Just make sure that you will follow the instructions of these products for you to achieve favorable results. You can also go into surgery to add size to your penis.

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