
3 Secret Tips to Have the Best Master Cleanse Experience

By: Joel Riley

If you have always wanted to start the Master Cleanse but just had too much conflicting advice from friends, colleagues and relatives, then these 3 secret tips would get you started in no time and you will have the best Master Cleanse experience ever. Remember, the Master Cleanse is not a diet but a cleanse. It is perfectly safe; the only cleanse to be endorsed by many health professionals. And it has been around for more than 50 years, quietly bringing relief to anyone willing to try it for 10 days.

So what are the 3 secret tips to ensure a fruitful Master Cleanse experience?

Tip #1 - Ease into the Master Cleanse a special 3 day soothe-in diet

This 3 day diet is not found in the original Master Cleanser. Yet it has proven especially useful for those who have adopted it into their program. Its purpose is to acclimatize your stomach to a fluid diet with more ease. It is done 3 days prior to the actual Master Cleanse. And during the ease-in-process, you will restrict your diet to organic food and less consumption of processed foods. This means you should keep your intake of red meats and dairy products to the minimum while at the same time increase your intake of vegetables and fruits. The 3 day diet is extremely easy to follow and will greatly eliminate any possible discomforts in adjustments to a fluid diet when you begin the Master Cleanse.

Tip #2 - Keep your body energized by using the right ingredients

Many tend to overlook the importance of selecting and using the right ingredients for the Master Cleanse. While the ingredients used for the cleanse might seem fairly common, much thought and research were once put in to ensure that your body gets the required nutrients when on the Master Cleanse. Take Maple Syrup for example; have you ever wondered why Grade B Maple Syrup is used over Grade A? Besides the higher nutritional value, Grade B is preferred because it contains sucrose instead of fructose which is more easily broken down during the metabolic process. This will provide you with enough energy to continue your daily activities without feeling depleted.

Tip #3 - Exit the master cleanse with an ease-out-menu

When you are on the 10 Day Master Cleanse program, your digestive system was resting. Hence it is strongly encouraged that you follow an ease-out-menu instead of jumping into a solid diet immediately. This was also encouraged by Stanley Burroughs in the original Master Cleanser. The ease-out process will take about 3 days and unlike the ease-in-menu, you will be consuming fresh fruits, vegetable and some brown rice instead before gradually moving into a solid diet. You should also avoid food which are salty, fried food, red meat, milk products, soft drinks, coffee and processed foods. Imagine how much healthier and energetic you would feel with such healthy eating habits.

The Master Cleanse is extremely easy and comfortable when you follow the above 3 simple tips. It will be a total body rejuvenation. And you can achieve all this without drugs, expensive spa treatments or having to work your butt off. You will experience more energy and enjoy your best health ever in 10 short days.

Veteran Master Cleanser reveals how to embark on the Master Cleanse Diet in 4 simple steps. The Master Cleanse doesn't have to be that darn hard to complete if you simply follow The Master Cleanse 101-104 lessons FREE! Grab the Master Cleanse recipe for free as well!


Did You Know About Green Tea and Prostate Cancer?

By: Gordon P Hall

When it comes to green tea and prostate cancer prevention, health experts agree that it may help. If you are looking for a treatment, your best source for information is a doctor of naturopathic medicine or an ND. They are aware of standard treatments, as well as complementary and alternative treatments. Many men seek these kinds of treatments on their own, but the greatest degree of success is seen when an ND is consulted and their advice is followed.

Prostate cancer has the second highest incidence of all cancers in males, worldwide, but incidence and mortality from the disease are highest among men living in affluent, industrialized societies. Because of this, it is obvious that environmental factors, including dietary factors, play a role in the development, progression and severity of the disease.

In some populations, where the beverage is favored over others, there is a lower incidence of several different cancers. That is what instigated the studies of green tea and prostate cancer prevention.

The active component in the tea leaves are believed to be catechins, a kind of antioxidant. Antioxidants of all kinds have proven to be beneficial for slowing tumor cell growth in the laboratory.

A diet that is rich in antioxidants may help prevent cancers of all kinds, because antioxidants prevent free radicals from causing the mutation of cellular DNA that leads to cancerous growths. Most of us know about the common antioxidants; vitamins A, C and E. But, practically every plant in the world contains unique antioxidants, with varying potency. There are even some amino acids that have potent antioxidant activity.

If you wanted to include all of them in your diet every day, it would be very difficult. Some of the plants are not generally eaten; marigolds, saw palmetto, red clover, nettle root, passion flower, algae and gingko biloba are examples. The solution is supplementation. It is an easy way to get vitamins, minerals, amino acids and plant extracts, without completely changing your diet.

Claims concerning green tea and prostate cancer prevention are considered verifiable by the US Food and Drug Administration. But, why settle for a single-ingredient supplement, when so much more is available.

There are specially formulated men's supplements that contain all of the extracts mentioned above, along with green tea extract and your daily requirements for the standard vitamins and minerals. It just takes a little effort to find a good supplement, because most of the brands on the market are just not that well-designed.

In addition to green tea and prostate cancer prevention, the FDA allows claims concerning breast cancer prevention, as well. Basically, the plant is good for everyone, as long as they don't drink too much. The caffeine content can cause problems. Health care professionals agree that drinking green tea instead of coffee is healthier, because the caffeine content is lower and the nutritive value is much higher.

If you continue to learn about green tea and prostate cancer prevention, you will find that there are lots of things that you can do to reduce your risk. It is well worth your effort to learn more. If you have two minutes to spare, please take a look at my website now.

Gordon Hall is fervent about enabling you and everyone to live a healthy lifestyle, and is an ardent reviewer of herbal, vitamin and mineral extracts. To discover which supplements Gordon recommends after far ranging and extensive research. Visit his website now at: http://www.your-supplement-resource-site.info


Breast Cancer Diet Tips

By: Kirsten Whittaker

It's true, women who survive breast cancer and load up on nutritious fruits and veggies as part of a breast cancer diet (a whole lot more than the current U.S. dietary guidelines) might just slash their risk of a tumor recurring by nearly one third. This according to a just released U.S. study to appear in the Journal of Clinical Oncology.

The researchers took another look at data from almost 3,000 breast cancer patients (average age 53) who were part of research that focused on diet and preventing breast cancer recurrence.

Half the participants were told to double their fruit and veggie intake to 10 servings per day, eat more fiber and lower their daily fat intake to levels under the government recommendations, a type of healthy eating that's been shown to lower the risks of developing breast cancer in the first place.

The other group was merely given information about the U.S. food guidelines.

An important distinction of this latest study was that it found the reduced risk of tumor recurrence came only for women who didn't have hot flashes (a common side effect) after their cancer treatment. Women who did cope with hot flashes after treatment were found to have lower estrogen levels.

"Women with early stage breast cancer who have hot flashes have better survival and lower recurrence rates than women who don't," said Ellen Gold of the University of California Davis, who was a leader of the research. Earlier work supports the theory regarding hot flashes and rates of tumor returns.

Researchers noted that vegetables and fruits act on suppressing estrogen (suspected in driving the most common form of breast cancer). They point to individual levels of the hormone as a possible explanation for inconsistent study results regarding fruits and veggies and reduction in recurrence of breast cancer tumors - some studies said they helped, others showed they didn't. It may be that differing estrogen levels in the individual that offers another clue to this discrepancy.

The team found that only 16% of subjects, without hot flashes, who had doubled up on the fruits and veggies had their tumors return after a seven year period.

Of those given only diet advice and information on guidelines, the tumors returned in 23% of the subjects. Women who had been through menopause lowered their risk by a whopping 47%.

The amount or fruits or vegetables you need to eat per day is well over what the U.S. recommended daily allowance of 2 cups of fruits or 2½ cups of veggies. You'll want to choose a variety of these healthy options, and look for foods grown as close to home as possible.

Be sure that when you bring these good-for-you treats home, you wash them well (with warm, soapy water), rinse and dry them carefully to remove pesticides, herbicides or mold.

Breast cancer is the most common condition, affecting women in both North America and Europe, and it is the second leading cause of death, after lung cancer, of American women.

Your lifetime risk of getting breast cancer is estimated to be 1 in 8, but thanks to today's treatment and detection options, your chance of dying from breast cancer is much lower at 1 in 28.

Now, with this research revealing useful breast cancer diet tips, even these numbers can be improved with the addition of a whole lot of good-for-you fruits and tasty veggies!

Next just head on over to the Daily Health Bulletin for more health tips including more on healthy eating, including breast cancer diet tips and get 5 free revealing health reports.

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