
Diabetes Type 2 - A Diabetes Lifestyle

By Michael J Hutch

If you feel tired excessively, need to use the bathroom frequently, find yourself drinking a lot of water, end up eating in an effort to gain energy and are possibly losing weight, you may be showing signs of diabetes. Both diabetes type 1 and type 2 manifest themselves with these signs, but if you are an adult over the age of 35, you are undoubtedly a victim of diabetes 2. This is because diabetes type 2 is brought on by poor lifestyle choices while diabetes type 1 manifests itself in young adults and children who have problems producing insulin naturally in their bodies.

Whatever the reason may be that you have contracted diabetes type 2, whether it be lack of exercise, poor dietary habits, obesity or all of the above, it is not the end of the world to live with your condition. Living a diabetes lifestyle is one that is accomplished by more than two million people in the UK and millions more around the world. The first things you need to focus on are improving your diet and exercise. You are already facing a serious consequence of not keeping up on your health through the years, but you can prevent your condition from worsening by making a change now.

An easy form of exercise that you can implement each day as a resident of the UK is walking for 10 to 20 minutes. Take the stairs instead of the elevator and make a small change that will help improve your condition. Exercise is undeniably important in diabetes 2 patients because it will help burn off the sugar in your blood and keep it from spiking. Along with exercise should come an improved diet. Sugar, simple carbohydrates and salt will all spike your blood sugar, so avoid these with a diabetes diet.

An improvement of your diet and exercise regimen is a way to handle your diabetes type 2, but it is also a preventative measure. 90% of people who live in the UK who contract the condition in later life are overweight and living sedentary lifestyles. Eating a proper diabetes diet will not be able to rid you of your condition once you have developed it, but it can help you live a less debilitating lifestyle once you have diabetes type 2. Make sure you eat five to six small meals a day instead of three large ones and avoid stress to help keep your blood sugar levels normal.

Michael Hutch is a Type 3 diabetic and an expert in diabetes type 2 in the UK and around the world. He studied for a PhD in Medicine from an Australian University in the 1980s. To learn more, please visit http://www.Diabetes-Your-Blood-Sugar-UK.com today!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Michael_J_Hutch


Wheatgrass - Chlorophyll and Detoxification

By John J. Fike

First -- let's make sure we understand what "detoxification" is. Detoxification is the removal of toxic substances from the body.


We take in the gas oxygen by breathing. Blood in capillaries run next to the lungs and pick up this oxygen, then travel along the one-way street capillaries and deliver it to cells. The cells give the blood carbon dioxide (which is a by-product waste of cell activity), which takes it back to the lungs, which breathe it out.

This is detoxification -- and you're doing it with your every breath.

Next -- let's see how chlorophyll works to detoxify your body:

How chlorophyll detoxifies:

Chlorophyll works during digestion both to detoxify your body of existing toxins (which are poisons produced by certain plants, animals, and bacteria) and to prevent absorption of more toxins. Here's how:

Some cholorophyll is absorbed into the bloodstream during digestion. One of its stops in the body is the liver, where it promotes the liver's cleansing and carcinogen-neutralizing actions - by increasing the action of the Phase II detoxification enzymes.

What's Phase II detoxification? It's a process in which the liver uses one of two major enzyme pathways to change a toxic substance, such as an anticancer drug, into a less toxic substance that is easier for the body to excrete. In phase II detoxification, liver cells add a substance (such as cysteine, glycine, or a sulfur molecule) to a toxic chemical or drug, to make it less harmful.

Chlorophyll complexes and certain breakdown products of chlorophyll have neutralizing effects on mutagens (substances that alter cellular DNA in ways that lead to cancer).

Big Bonus Benefit:

Chlorophyll appears to prevent the absorption of dioxins:

What are dioxins? They are known carcinogens (agents that cause cancer). They are poisonous petroleum-derived chemicals which are produced when herbicides (substances used for killing plants) are made or when plastics are burned. Dioxins cause skin disease. In animal tests, dioxins cause birth defects, miscarriages, mutations, and carcinogens.

Dioxins are persistent pollutants found in many of the foods we eat, they are readily absorbed into the body and stored in fat. Studies find that chlorophyll-rich foods increases the excretion of dioxins - the amount that pass through you without being absorbed.

W A R N I N G:
Serious risks in drinking fresh wheatgrass juice:

Fresh wheatgrass juice is the most popular form of wheatgrass. And yes: there are some serious drawbacks.

What's one of the most popular ways to get your detoxifying chlorophyll? By making fresh wheatgrass juice in a juicer.

But for now, know this:

Wheatgrass is chock full of cleansing chlorophyll!

Thirty years ago, I was sick as a dog and determined to get healthy.

I began with weight training, exercising, and martial arts, added deep studies of nutrition and herbal supplements. Finally I added preventative care.

This journey brought me to a simple yet powerful solution and a simple yet powerful way to deliver that solution.

The simple yet powerful solution? Maintain your diet, blood pressure, intake of proper foods, and whatever is necessary.

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Let me share with you the specific benefits of wheatgrass and the other 100% all-natural ingredients I've brought together in a unique combination just for you: All-natural wheatgrass

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=John_J._Fike


6 Tips For Staying Healthy During a Crisis

By: Sigit Irawan

If you've been following the news these days, you've no doubt heard the warnings and predictions about the economic outlook. There's certainly a lot of information out there and not all of it is hopeful.,

I don't follow all of it, but if even a part of these predictions come true, life could change dramatically for many of us.

With that in mind, I wanted to share 6 tips for staying healthy and well during any crisis (if there is one).

1. Don't buy into fear and panic - keep things simple and use the opportunity to stay in the moment. Fear and panic lead to nowhere. That's the first thing you learn when you spend time in the wilderness - if you get lost or disoriented, stay calm.

2. Stay connected - especially with your community and the environment where you live. Think about things like where you could get water if you needed it and where you could go if things get chaotic and dangerous where you live now.

3. Get small bills - if you live in the US or use US dollars, get and keep at least $1000 in 1s, 5s and 10s. According to one economist, if US currency does start to fail, you won't be able to get cash at the banks and larger bills will the first to be refused.

4. Invest in gold, silver or foreign currencies - I'm not specialist in this, but it makes sense to me to move US paper or electronic dollars into something that has a more stable value at this point.

5. Keep some extra food supplies - some people predict that the price of food will increase by 40% in the next 6 months. So, any staples you can get in bulk now, go ahead and do it.

6. Get some survival essentials - this is simple but really important. Make sure to have a good first aid kit, a good portable water filter, some dust masks, some extra blankets a good flash light and a battery operated radio. http://center-for-natural-healing.co.cc/


Energy Efficient Sauna Heaters In The Future

By Adriana N.

What would you use sauna heaters for? Sauna heaters are great for relaxing muscles and joints. Many people use them to rid the body of toxins. Some use it for an overall body and mind therapy. This was one way the sauna was used in an animated series King of the Hill.

On the program a new age native American has a sauna set up where he charges people to enter the sauna and allow the steam to release the toxins from the body and the mind. As the men are in the sauna sweating they all start having dreams or even hallucinations.

One man sees how he thinks he is going to die, riding a motorcycle through a giant donut. The steam has shown him his weakness for food will be his end. The sauna steam show one man, a pest exterminator, dying at the hands of a large insect. The other man is simply at peace at his job in his hallucination selling propane grills.

His mind is clear and there are no toxins to drive out by the steam and heat. The old man in the sauna heater is a world war two vet who killed many enemies in the war. His guilt comes back to haunt him as he sweats in the sauna. He sees the men he killed in the war as he hallucinates. He runs out of the sauna blaming his son, the propane grill salesman, for taking him into the sauna.

Whether you want to experience a body and mind cleansing is up to you. But a sauna is a great way to sweat and to relax. You can install a wood burning sauna if you have a lot of wood to burn. Many people like the wood burning type because they are more traditional. You do have to keep them clean though as the ashes build up the more your use it.

Also if you want to control the temperature you will have to look for another source of heat. The modern gas sauna, heated by natural gas, is an option for those who want a cleaner burning sauna. You can also control the temperature of the sauna. You can also save money on your gas bill by installing an electric sauna. This is also a clean option and you can also control the temperature using the thermostat.

It will be interesting to see if solar panel saunas are a thing of the future or if they will be developed to efficiently in our homes of the present. If power can be collected by the energy of the sun and then used to heat our home sauna then it will be a great energy saver.

With all the talk of going green this would be a great option. It would save money on your energy bill and if the right combination of a sauna and solar energy can be developed everyone might have in their home a way to relax the body and even the mind.


Tips For Quick Stress Reduction The Natural

By Dr. Mital John

A natural way to de-stress is to slow the breathing rate down. When we are stressed or anxious, the breathing rate becomes rapid and shallow, breathing from the upper chest. Stress can affect anyone and everyone at some point of time in their life. Stress is believed to trigger 70% of visits to doctors, and 85% of serious illnesses.

A natural view steps back and takes a look at the whole away from the symptoms. By working to naturally resolve the property of stress, you’ll achieve relief along with long-term curative rather than just masking over your symptom with a pill.

A natural way to de-stress is to slow the breathing rate down. When we are stressed or anxious, the breathing rate becomes rapid and shallow, breathing from the upper chest. Stress can affect anyone and everyone at some point of time in their life. Stress is believed to trigger 70% of visits to doctors, and 85% of serious illnesses. Natural stress organization techniques provide a desired relief in these patients.

When essential oils are applied on skin, their small aromatic molecules are engrossed through skin into the bloodstream and then carried in the blood to dissimilar parts of the body. When essential oils are inhaled, the small molecules are transmitting via the olfactory system to the limbic area in the brain: the area that is connected to the hormonal and nervous systems as well as the emotions.

Natural Stress Relief Techniques:
* Exercise
* Yoga
* Meditation
* Herbs
* Life style changes

Here is another natural stress relief tip and it's free and you can do it anywhere. Mouthful of air you can calm your mind and your body by scheming your breathing. You can lower blood pressure and slow your heart rate by taking slow even breaths. This can be long-established with biofeedback equipment and is one of the easiest stress relief techniques.

Best Choices for Natural Stress Relief: -

* When you've had a rough day take some time when you get home to relax. I know there's too much to do but if you can just manage 15 minutes of time the evening will go so much better.
* Be prepared to wait. A book can make a wait in a post office line almost pleasant.
* Procrastination is stressful. Whatever you want to do tomorrow, do today; whatever you want to do today, do it now.
* Brew some tea, listen to a little music. Relax and be your best for your family.
* Prepare for the morning the evening before. Set the breakfast table, make lunches, put out the clothes you plan to wear, etc.
* Do nothing which, after being done, leads you to tell a lie.
* Make duplicates of all keys. Bury a house key in a secret spot in the garden and carry a duplicate car key in your wallet, apart from your key ring.
* Play an instrument especially guitar, if you know how.
* Get up fifteen minutes earlier in the morning. The inevitable morning mishaps will be less stressful.

Ashwagandha Herbal Remedies for Stress Relief: - The shoots of the Ashwagandha herb are used in food and in India seeds of the Ashwagandha are used to thicken milk herbal stress relief. Also use Ashwagandha to treat fevers, and other inflammations for herbal stress relief.


By Heartrate

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The huggermugger yoga mats has impressed everyone with their quality of yoga mats.

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The comfortable yoga mat intended for Ashtanga yoga, power yoga, or Pilates are specially devised with Zenz. The hugger mugger yoga mats have 1/4-inch-thick surface giving ample cushioning for yoga poses. The mats are perfect for individual use or yoga classes where lots of people use the mat. The huggermugger mat is better is quality as it is two inches wider than most mats and has the measurement of 72 x 26 inches. It gives you lifetime warranty. It gives you ideal balance between steadiness and lightweight luxury. The mats are impenetrable and stable and have sufficient cushioning. They are so light in weight that they can easily be transported anywhere you want. It gives long-lasting workouts and is fit for amateur beginner or a professional Yogi. To have better practice of yoga you should try using these yoga mats from now only. To get more information about yoga mats, click here:http://www. Huggermuggermat.com


Osteoarthritis And Its Remedies

By: Credulous Jolly

Osteoarthritis is the term given to a condition resulting from the breakdown of the protective layer of cartilage which surrounds the joints. Whether as the result of an injury or just the result of routine wear and tear, the cartilage wears away, causing the bones of the joints to rub against each other, resulting in pain and even malformation of the bones. Osteoarthritis treatment can range from prescription medicine to exercise to surgical intervention.

Degenerative osteoarthritis or degenerative joint disease is the most common form of arthritis. Here we have accumulated osteoarthritis statistics compiled by various health agencies to help provide a better understanding of how disabling the condition can become and of the importance of early intervention through the use of nutritional supplementation, weight maintenance and regular exercise.

Home Remedies

Prepare garlic paste and apply the paste on the affected joint; it is an effective herbal remedy for arthritis. Regular consumption of garlic cloves in raw condition reduces the problem of joint pains.One teaspoon of honey and two teaspoon of lemon juice added in one glass of lukewarm water works well against the pain and swelling of arthritis. This is an efficient home based herbal remedy in controlling the pain of arthritis.

Add two teaspoon of honey and two teaspoon of apple cider vinegar in lukewarm water for regular consumption in the morning. Drinking turmeric powder added lukewarm water helps relieving pain of arthritis.

Natural remedies:

Natural remedies for arthritis, which can contain anti-inflammatories and even antioxidants, can ease swelling and promote development of new cartilage. Rather than just treat the pain itself, these products target the cause of pain and provide the most thorough approach to treating arthritis symptoms. In terms of osteoarthritis pain relief, nothing has proven more complete, and more successful, than a comprehensive natural course of treatment.

Proven ingredients such as glucosamine and chondroitin, which help repair damaged joints; manganese and other antioxidants, which remove harmful free radicals and combat the signs of aging; and ginger extract and other anti-inflammatories provide a new, more thorough form of osteoarthritis treatment.


Moderate exercise combined with a healthy diet can help you reach and maintain your optimum weight. Every extra pound puts additional stress on joints increasing the odds of painful arthritis.

Low impact exercise, such as walking, swimming or yoga, are also good low stress ways to strengthen bones, joints and muscles, improve flexibility and reduce depression, fatigue and stress.

You’ll also need to cut back or eliminate red meat, since those who eat more red meat have twice the risk of arthritic pain compared to those who eat red meat no more than once a week.

Herbal Supplement

• Shallaki herb [also known as Boswellia serrata] helps in reducing the problem of blood circulation, controls the swelling of joints, and relieves joint pain.

• Taking Aswagandha two times per day with ½ glass lukewarm water is an efficient herbal remedy of arthritis. It will surely help improving the condition on regular use for at least 10-15 days at a stretch.

• Rumalaya Forte - Rumalaya is an Ayurvedic preparation which possesses analgesic and anti-arthritic properties. By regulating the mediators of inflammation, Rumalaya exerts a significant anti-inflammatory activity.


The Dangers Of Fluoride To Children And How To Remove It

By: Ron Morefield

Now, dangers of fluoride to the brain and nervous system are known, and the latest research demonstrates fluoride ingestion links to bone cancer and to hyperthyroidism. Resulting symptoms include weight gain, muscle and joint pain, fatigue, depression, high cholesterol, and heart disease. This means that all mothers should be seriously concerned for fluoride consumption in their infants and children.

Normally, the intake of fluoride of breast-fed infants is negligible, less than 0.01 milligram each day. That is due to the fact that human breast milk just contains a trace of fluoride, no matter what the fluoride consumption of the nursing mother. No one is certain exactly why that is, but it has been suggested that the physiological plasma-milk barrier protects the newborn human from the toxic effects of fluoride. The same phenomenon can be seen in cow milk. It also contains low levels of fluoride despite fluoride being added to the food or drinking water.

In addition, it has been observed that during breastfeeding, more fluoride is excreted in the urine than is ingested in the diet. Moreover, fluoride deposited in fetal bone during pregnancy is released into the extracellular fluids and subsequently excreted into urine. For all practical purposes, this means that the natural condition for early human development has been virtually fluoride-free, even in the high water fluoridation areas. Naturally, this phenomenon lasts until the age of weaning and the introduction of solid foods. Then fluoride is consumed. The natural fluoride-free development also is disrupted in bottle-feeding where unfiltered water from fluoridated areas is being used in the reconstitution of the formula.

In fact, infants being fed powdered formula made with fluoridated water retain more than half of the ingested fluoride in their mineralizing tissues including the pineal. Fluoride accumulation in the pineal during childhood can affect indole metabolism in much the same way that high local concentrations of fluoride in enamel organ and bone affect the correct metabolism of ameloblasts and osteoblasts for proper bone development.

Fluoride exposure continues through childhood. That includes exposure through juices, drinks, toothpastes and a whole variety of processed foods, like cereals. The exposure may come in any manufactured foods that use fluoridated municipal water in their processing. Research shows that the fluoride is accumulating in the pineal gland at an earlier age than in previous decades. An unusually high concentration of fluoride in the pineal impacts its ability to synthesize sufficient melatonin, which is normally at its highest production levels during early childhood.

The problem does not go away after childhood. In fact, aged pineal glands contain more fluoride than any other location of soft tissue in the body. In fact, evaluations of the fluoride in calcified pineal glands show the level of fluoride to be similar to that in dangerously fluorosed bone. Those are bones experiencing fluoride poisoning, where the bones are actually falling apart. In people exposed to fluoride, the pineal gland contains the highest fluoride concentration in their bodies. The question is how this impacts melatonin production in the aging person, where melatonin is needed to provide healthy regenerative sleep, proper bone formation, and protection from cell damage.

Ron Morefield has been certified as an acupuncturist and has been involved in health matters since 1988. He believes that safe water is critical and is a major issue facing our population. He teaches safe water ideas in video and articles at The Best Water Filtration blog site.


Nitric Oxide Boosters - Effects Of Nitric Oxide

By: John Foley

Nitric Oxide, or NO2 is one part nitrogen, and two parts oxygen. Nitric Oxide is a Messenger Molecule that controls many of the physiological and pathological processes within our body, and is a biological gas created by the body to repair, maintain and defend our cells.

Nitric Oxide is a vasodilator enabling the muscle to receive more blood along with the muscle building agents, nutrients and creatine, and oxygen, and is released by the walls of the blood vessels that cause a decrease in the resistance and an increase in blood flow to the skeletal muscles. Nitric oxide supplements are not advised for those with heart conditions.

Nitric oxide boosters are a relatively new supplement on the weightlifting scene, which are made of a catalyst, usually Arginine, that once consumed by the body will convert it to nitric oxide(Nitric oxide cannot be stored in your body). Nitric oxide boosters are available in pill form as well as being an ingredient in many protein powders, and are often mixed with stimulants, creatine, BCAAs and minerals to form a complete pre-workout drink.

Nitric oxide boosters are the latest craze, that give you that extra boost to get you pumped in a fraction of the time, and are not banned by any sporting organizations. They are considered health food supplements for users of both sexes and all ages.

Nitric oxide is a useful tool when it comes to bodybuilding, and is also very useful in increasing the "perpetual pump" that body builders feel right after a workout, additionally, causing this effect to remain for longer periods of time. Nitric Oxide can help you experience fast lean muscle mass gain, increased endurance, faster recovery, the ability to lift heavier weights and basically make your workouts more effective.

Nitric oxide products targeted for bodybuilders claim dramatic increase of muscle growth, and also come in a variety of forms and formats, and are recommended to be consumed before as well as after each workout.

Nitric Oxide boosters are one of the most talked about supplements in body building circles, and are some of the most popular and fastest selling body building supplements available on the market.

Nitric oxide is probably the most important source of energy for the heart, vascular system and immune system, and has become one of the buzz terms of bodybuilding, sports supplementation and fitness circles, additionally has been proven to increase cardiovascular health, endurance, and your sexual health. Nitric Oxide is the #1 natural way to boost muscle gain and transform your body.

Article Written By J. Foley


How To Cleanse Your Body Safely And Naturally?

By: Dalia Catherman

Everybody remains very concerned about keeping the body clean externally. But how many of us actually pay attention towards internal body cleansing? The answer would be very few as people are not well aware about the concept of body cleansing. We cannot choose to remain ignorant about such issues because with the passage of time the toxins present inside our body can take a serious toll on our health. And this is the primary reason for which body cleansing becomes necessary. Colon cleansing is regarded as one of the most natural and safest ways for body cleansing. Colon cleansing is also considered as the very first step that one should adopt in the process of body cleansing.

Colon cleansing is imperative for many reasons. It has been proved that the food that is not properly digested in our body produces a form of mucous which remains stuck in the colon for a long period of time and these mucous is responsible in the production of toxins. When these toxins enter our bloodstream then naturally it can cause havoc in the body. Colon cleansing serves as a very good solution for such problems. How to colon cleanse might be the next question that might be lingering in your mind at the moment. Basically colon cleansing can be done through colon irrigation or by consuming supplements. Doctors recommend supplements over colon irrigation as the latter can pose severe risk to your health. Do not be perturbed regarding the safety of colon cleansing as this process has been prevalent for centuries, and even the ancient Greeks would have vouched for it during those days!

If you shy away from colon cleansing then you might have to experience symptoms such as headaches, lack of energy, weight gain, etc. Some of us already suffer from such symptoms but we tend to ignore such things because we end up putting all the blame on our stress filled lives. Pay some attention and you will immediately notice these symptoms have become a part and parcel of your life. It is time to do some damage control and it can be done with the aid of a good colon cleanser like Colon Essential. With this colon cleanser, you will soon bid goodbye to your lethargic self. There is no point of suffering anymore as help is at hand in the form of Colon Essential which is a renowned colon cleanser.

If you are looking to cleanse your body safely and naturally by using a Natural Colon Cleanse, then you should definitely visit my website www.ColonEssential.com. Colon Essential is the ultimate colon cleanser in the market that helps you to cleanse your body naturally.


Style Tips For The Perfect Prescription Glasses

By: Radhika Rao

Style Tips for the Perfect Prescription Glasses
The spectacles industry today is flooded with a range of glasses with myriad shapes, styles, colours and fit. From the conventional fully rimmed or semi rimmed glasses to the more modern rimless and designer spectacles, consumers can indulge and pick the spectacles that suit their tastes.
However, not all frames suit all faces. Thus, it is always a good idea to keep in mind a few handy tips that can not only help you pick the right pair but also enhance your style quotient to a great extent.

Different Styles for Different Face Shapes
The most fundamental criteria while selecting prescription glasses or sunglasses is the face shape. It is recommended that:

1. For round faces, it is always a good idea to opt for square or rectangular frames with slightly larger lenses. Wearing oval or round spectacles would further accentuate the roundness of the face thereby making it devoid of any profile and angles.
2. Those who have a thin and long face must not choose slim frames. Instead they must opt for thick and bold frames which would highlight the eyes and help in adding character to them.
3. If you have a heart shaped face then the sleek and delicate frames are for you. Even choosing rimless glasses can also be a great idea. These sleek frames would ensure that the wide cheek bones are not accentuated further.
4. If you have an oval face then consider yourself lucky as most styles would suit your face shape.

Wear Your Specs in Style

Apart from the face shapes, it is important to choose your pair of prescription glasses according to your skin tone, hairstyle and eyes.
So, if you have a pale skin tone, go in for fashionable tortoiseshell frames. Even selecting metallic frames in darker shades can be a great idea. Thus, gun metal or golden spectacles can do the trick.
For those who have a nice tan with blonde hair black frames are for you. Black glasses can even suit you if your have beautiful black eyes.
Choosing spectacles according to the hairstyle is also important. For those who have long hair or let their hair loose, must avoid opting for large frames. On the contrary, if you have short hair, large bold frames can be a superb pick.

These simple style tips can definitely help you pick the perfect pair and make a lasting impression.

The author Radhika is one of the lab experts at EyeExperts, an online spectacles company that provides prescription glasses, designer frames and sunglasses. The author is an experienced optometrist and has vast experience in the eye wear industry.


Immunity Or Resistance To Infection

By: David Crawford

When living organisms such as germs or viruses invade the human body, the tissues of the body undergo changes which help them to resist the poisons of the invader. By this reaction the tissues become immune to the poisons. Much depends on the virulence of the infections, the total number of germs invading, the place where they enter the body, the tissues or structures where they settle and grow. If you are susceptible to the infection, it will attack you; it may even overcome you. If you are resistant, the tissues of your body may develop antibodies which will overcome the germs or viruses or their poisons.

Certain environmental conditions may increase or lower your resistance to infection. Chilling of the body, excessive fatigue, absence of some essential nutritional substance, as proteins, or mineral salts or vitamins, or the presence of another disease at the same time may modify the resistance of the body to an invader.

The chemical composition of the invading organism may be significant in the way in which the body responds to it. An invading substance is known as an "antigen." Usually the response of the body to an invading germ is specific against that germ or against that type of germ. Bacteria may contain a number of antigenic substances, against each of which the body will rebuild resistance. An example of an antibody against infections is the immune globulin. This is a protein substance found in blood, in which we now know are accumulated substances that help to resist various infections such as those of measles or poliomyelitis. In man, most of the antibodies are found in the immune globulin of the blood. The amount of antibody that develops is also governed by such factors as the amount of infectious material that gets into the body. The doctors find that they can help you build resistance by repeatedly injecting small doses of an infecting substance. We know that a child gets resisting substances from its mother in her blood at the time of birth and in the first material that comes from the breast when the child begins to nurse. This is called "colostrum." The amount of antibodies may be unfavorably affected by starvation, exposure, reduced protein intake, alcoholism, or other poisoning.

Types Of Infection

For certain diseases there are certain specific types of causative germs, such as the viruses of measles, smallpox, infantile paralysis, or the germs that cause diphtheria, typhoid, gonorrhea or meningitis. The total number of germs, viruses, rickettsia, amebas, spirochetes, or other parasites that may infect the body reaches into thousands. Many germs have been described in groups according to their appearance under the microscope such as the streptococci that grow in chains, or the staphylococci that grow in clusters. The streptococci and the staphylococci may invade any portion of the human body and set up infection.

The Common Cold

Almost anyone can tell you right off when they have a cold, and yet there is no real agreement in the medical profession as to just what a common cold is. No single germ has yet been incriminated as the causative factor nor has any group of germs or viruses been established as responsible. At present the sequence of events seems to include a first period when the lining of the nose and throat seems to respond to some foreign invading substances by reddening and congestion and a profuse flow of mucus. With this may be frequent sneezing, stuffiness, difficulty in breathing, perhaps some fever, a feeling of lassitude, and some aching of the limbs.

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About The Author: David Crawford is the CEO and owner of a Male Enhancement company known as Male Enhancement Group. Copyright 2009 David Crawford of http://www.maleenhancementgroup.com/. This article may be freely distributed if this resource box stays attached.


Dangers And Causes Of High Cholesterol

By: Anney Shine

Doctors know that high cholesterol brings increased risk of heart disease, and what's worrisome is the finding about the dangers of even borderline cholesterol that comes from a new study that's one of the largest and longest dementia trials ever conducted. The study show that potentially high cholesterol causes Alzheimer's Disease?Adults in their mid 40s with even slightly elevated cholesterol (as well as those with high cholesterol) appear to have a greater risk for Alzheimer's disease or related conditions like vascular dementia years later.This work adds to the growing evidence that controlling your risk factors for heart disease as well as keeping a handle on your weight in midlife can protect the brain as you age. "Keeping your weight down, eating right, and getting regular exercise can keep your heart healthy as you age, and it may also keep your brain sharp," adds lead author Alina Solomon of the University of Kuopio.

For most of us, our first experience with chronic illness is high blood pressure. Hypertension does not respect healthy lifestyles. Even people who maintain normal weight, exercise regularly, maintain healthy cholesterol levels, and eat a heart-healthy diet can be and frequently are diagnosed with the condition. In the United States, nine out of ten people will develop hypertension by the age of 60, and six out of ten eventually take high blood pressure medication.Borderline hypertension is usually "essential" or "primary," meaning it is not associated with an abnormality in a specific organ. Until a few years ago, the causes of essential hypertension eluded medical science, but recent research has revealed that this nearly universal health problem begins as with cholesterol-but not high cholesterol.Manufacturers of cholesterol medication have it in their own self-interest to make us believe it is difficult to keep cholesterol levels down. If we, the general public believe that it is complicated to lower cholesterol, we are much more likely to follow the recommendations of healthcare professionals regarding the use of cholesterol medication. As you read this article, it is my hope that you will come to understand that for the vast majority of people, healthy cholesterol levels can be attained without the use of medication.

It was said previously that cholesterol can only adhere to the inner lining of the artery if it has been damaged. How does that harm come about? Evidence points to free radical damage as being one of the causes of arterial wall damage. Free radicals are found all around us. They are highly reactive substances like polluted air, radiation, tobacco smoke, herbicides, and also naturally within our own bodies as an offshoot of common metabolic processes.Despite the fact that hardly anyone else agrees with me, I believe firmly that the cholesterol hypothesis is wrong. By the time you have finished this chapter, I hope to have convinced you of this fact too. Before starting on the demolition job I must admit that, for many years, I too believed that a raised cholesterol level caused heart disease. On the face of it the evidence seemed overwhelming, and it also seemed to make sense.


Important Yoga Tips for Kids

By: Karan Khalsa

Yoga refers to the traditional way of maintaining physical and mental disciplines through meditative practices. Yoga helps to get physical and mental fitness and create a balance between mind, body and soul. In the current scenario, yoga is very much useful for everybody, be it an adult or a child to fight away stresses. Nowadays children are under immense pressure of homework, extra-curricular activities, competition with others and performance anxiety. Yoga for kids delivers many a benefits to children for relaxing and making themselves able to cope with this increasing pressure of modern lifestyle. A distinct form of yoga, Kundalini yoga, plays an important role in children's yoga practicing. Children can practice yoga taking help from various Yoga DVDs offered by Spirit Voyage.

A growing number of kids are turning to Yoga as it helps them to enhance self-consciousness, build self-control, generate better body awareness and flexibility over everything. By practicing Yoga, children can easily coordinate with the happenings around them. It will be more useful if they carry these skills in their daily chores. Yoga has the power to treat different illness even the severe ones. By practicing yoga kids can learn how to tune their own bodies and gaining control over both body and mind. Childhood is the first step of building a balanced future. So by bolstering self-esteem a balanced future can be achieved. Practicing yoga helps kids to attain this self-esteem paired with healthy body and mind. Yoga music can be a good help for getting the right mood while doing the asanas. A perfect yoga session ends with meditation. Meditation music enhances the atmosphere with its calm and soothing tunes.

Some rules should be followed by everyone while doing Yogasadhana or practicing yoga. Like kids should not have heavy meal right before starting the yoga session. Yogasadhana in full stomach should be avoided. It is better to do yoga in quiet place as it helps to concentrate. Here yoga mat is very much useful and effective. Beginners can start with some easy poses and then go for the tough ones according to their own capability. Each yoga session should be completed with 'Do Nothing Pose' or 'Savasana'. Lying on the back with the arms resting alongside the body and the palms facing the ceiling while breathing very slowly is the original pose of Savasana. This pose helps to relax and rejuvenate one's mind and body.

Yoga for kids also enhances the power of imagination and self-expression as it makes the mind clear from all unnecessary thoughts. Yoga controls and directs mind to a more focussed way. It teaches kids to be less dependent on others and more self-disciplined. Children get the confidence to work together and help each other to reach their respective goals. Yoga also helps to strengthen the family ties as different generations take part in Yoga session together. It makes the little ones feel closer to their families and loved ones. Children often experience tension and worries before tests or exams which can be healed by breathing techniques and meditation. Different types of Yoga is useful for kids like Hatha yoga and Kundalini yoga. The prime philosophy of Kundalini yoga i.e. identifying, exploring and exercising buried energy makes it an ideal choice for children of all ages. And when this yoga is practiced with meditation music, it becomes more powerful and effective as music generates more concentration.

Music makes kids more interested in practicing yoga regularly. Spirit Voyage is an online company offering a vast collection of Yoga DVDs for kids. These CDs and DVDs for kids contain devotional chantings and divine musics where legends like Snatam Kaur, Shakta Kaur Khalsa, Deva Singh Khalsa and Wah! have lent their ethereal voices. This collection of Yoga music helps kids to attend yoga session regularly and keep all tensions and anxieties away from their daily life.

The author writes of Spirit Voyage which is engaged in offering various kinds of yoga music and meditation music. The company offers different CDs and DVDs for practicing Kundalini Yoga and other yoga forms.


Lose weight and look great with Fatburn7

by Dr. Johnson

Chubby cheeks are no longer desired now. People are trying to get leaner and have a sculpted-looking body. Many obese people are blindly following different kinds of weight loss supplements and diet pills without having proper information about it. As a result besides burning the body fats they face severe health problems too.

In any weight losing process it is very essential to understand the function of the diet medications and supplements before consuming them. Numerous diet pills and weight loss supplements are emerging in the market everyday with attractive offers and promising claims to lure the customer towards them. Therefore a sensible customer should take the advice of the nutritionist or any health expert before taking a decision on the type of supplement he would like.

People who believe that by starving themselves they can lose weight easily are mistaken; instead by doing this their body loses the immunity and gets prone to harmful rare diseases. Therefore various world wide health experts advice to consume the diet pills and weight loss supplements along with a balanced diet every time. And the good quality diet pills and weight loss supplements are always prepared with the combination of nature, science and research.

Before purchasing any kind of diet pills or weight loss supplements, it is very essential to go through its ingredients once. An effective diet pill and weight loss supplement must contain some of the following natural ingredients described below.

Chromium picolinate- a mineral that helps in increasing the lean muscle and regulates glycemic control. 5-HTP- a serotonin precursor that helps in controlling hunger. Chad de Bugre- an appetite suppressant and energy stimulant. Irvingia Gabonensis- effective in weight management and fat metabolism Green tea extract- an antioxidant that boosts the thermogenic capabilities. Gugglesterone- for optimal thyroid functioning.

These are some of the few essential natural ingredients that should be included in the pills and supplements designed for the weight management program. All the above mentioned ingredients together work to burn fat, promote oxidation of fat, increase the metabolic rate, suppress the appetite, reduce the fatty deposit, decrease the carbohydrate cravings and finally reduce the circumference of the waist.

The ordinary diet pills and weight loss supplements available in the market sometimes contain high concentration of caffeine, difficult to identify at times and therefore can cause side effects like increased blood pressure or heart rate.

An effective diet pill and supplements created by the knowledgeable medical doctors and research scientists promote a healthy way of life. Such pills often come in the form of vegetable capsules. These diet pills and weight loss supplements wonderfully works on athletes, body builders and common man too.

People who are presently unhappy with their diet pills and weight loss supplements can look out on the online stores for some effective capsules. Further, it is strictly advised by the stores to consult a doctor before using their products to avoid serious medical conditions that may happen in exceptional cases.


3 Quick Acne Home Remedies

By: Dominique Brown

Acne is major problem for people many people, from teens to adults. Instead of buying expensive over-the-counter products here are 3 quick acne home remedies.

Mint- Peppermint is helpful to cure acne because it contains menthol. Crushed mint leaves help alleviate pain and inflammation whenever you need it. To make this remedy you should crush them up thoroughly and then rub the leaves and juice on the skin for 5-10 minutes. You should then wash it off with cold water. If a reaction occurs do not continue to use this.

Oatmeal- The next of the 5 quick home remedies is oatmeal. To start you should cook a single serving of which should be the same that you could eat. Next you should add about ¼ cup of honey to it and then mix it thoroughly. Now you should allow it to cool and then apply it to your face for 10-20 minutes. Be sure not to leave it on for too long or it will be too tough to remove. The reason oatmeal works is because it cleanses pores by absorbing oil and exfoliating skin. The honey erases the application and is a very good toner.

Nettle- The third of the quick acne home remedies is the herbaceous plant known as "stinging nettle". It is an edible green and herbal remedy which is also a garden nuisance. It has been used over hundreds of years as a natural remedy. When it is dried or soaked in hot water the inflammatory properties of the plants go away. When you handle this plant wear gloves. The first thing you should do for an acne cure is remove the leaves from the stem and then throw away the stem. Next you should put enough nettle leaves inside a teapot and then pour water over it. You should then let it sit for 5 minutes and then when it is ready add lemon or honey. This drink will taste pretty bitter but it is really good for you because it contains high in calcium.
The reason nettle works because it flushes the body of toxins and helps stop inflammation.You should stop using this remedy if it causes stomach irritation.

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