
Diagnosing OCD

By: Charlie Frankel

When you are wondering whether you have Obsessive Compulsive disorder one way to find out is to have someone skilled at diagnosing OCD talk to you and get a history of your behavior. The challenge with this is it will put you into the mental health system where you may not want to go.

Therapists have been diagnosing OCD for a very long time and they rely mostly on the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual edition 4 which most people affectionately call, the DSM-IV. This manual is geared towards making a diagnosis so that your insurance company will pay for your treatment.

According to the DSM-IV a person can be diagnosed as having OCD or OCD Personality disorder and there is an entire list of criteria that is posed to define what this disorder does and how it should be seen.

Now that's the official definition. An interesting turn of events has begun though that may prove interesting to those people dealing with OCD is that some students are diagnosing OCD for fun.

In fact, if they catch themselves washing their hands a lot or doing anything they have decided is "OCD", they will say something like, "That is so OCD." Okay, this is interesting, but is it tolerable? Is diagnosing OCD something that can be played with or should we be serious about this diagnosis?

We can say you just have to lighten up. The challenge with diagnosing OCD is that it encourages people to take things very seriously. Certainly this is a serious challenge for some people but if you can't laugh at yourself, who can you laugh at? Why not find ways to laugh at what you do instead of making it a problem?

Some people suggest that the best way for diagnosing OCD is to say your fear out loud -- sometimes just saying it out loud sounds funny and you can look at it differently.

In fact, there is a whole group called L.A.U.G.H. which stands for Learn to Accept Uncertainty and Gain Hope and they work to laugh about OCD.

Diagnosing OCD can be a blessing and a curse at the same time. You can love it, hate it or choose to sit with it and be grumpy about the process.

If you know you suffer from OCD and are looking for a cure, you can find a natural one at http://www.Stop-Anxiety-Panic-Attack.com. There you'll learn Natural OCD Treatment and techniques that will have you feeling better right away.


How to Look Younger As You Grow Older

By: Janice Wee

As the years pass you by, you should be prepared to watch your looks deteriorate year by year. That is the assumption most people make. An assumption that is thankfully wrong.

In reality, a woman who cares for herself can look better and better as the years go by. Yes, wrinkles and gray hair will eventually show up, but compare a 25 year old woman who can't be bothered with her health and is grossly overweight, and who abuses her body with her bad habits, to a 60 year old woman who cared for her body over the decades, who kept trim and healthy through a healthy diet, exercise and clean living. Who do you think looks better?

The younger girl may have the bloom of youth but the unfit body spoils it all. The older woman may be fit and glowing with health.

The other day, I found myself envying a grandmother's figure. She had gray hair and was talking about her grandchildren. Her figure was trim and shapely. Sexier by far than many women half her age.

A younger woman or even a teenager with a sedentary lifestyle, who lives on junk food can well be obese. Maybe she spends all her time sitting in front on the TV or computer and calls in a pizza or greasy fast food for lunch and doesn't touch fruit or veggies. Not only would her weight be affected, chances are her skin, hair and nails would be dull. Or blemished. If her idea of a workout is to lift crisps into her mouth, she is probably in big trouble.

Even if she doesn't think she eats much, her sedentary lifestyle would ensure a slow metabolism and that alone can cause her to gather fat.

If you have a weight problem, the first thing to do is a reality check. Get a diary and note in it everything you et and drink. Coke and fruit juices a high in calories too. Calculate how many calories you actually consume everyday. If your total calorie intake exceeds 1800 calories per day, you might want to revise what you eat and drink. See if you can make use of any of these 77 weight loss tips to help you shed the pounds.

I know of a girl who was obese in her early twenties. One fine day, she decided enough's enough! She started working out in the gym and watched what she ate. You might think sweet sixteen is the time in your life when you look your best. Not so with my friend.

15 years later, in her late thirties, she looks absolutely amazing. Far younger, far sexier than she was in her youth. Her efforts paid off in spades. Last I heard, she modeled for a fitness book.

My point is this. It is never too early or too late to start. Once you set foot on a healthy lifestyle and stick to it, as the years go by, you will find your body healthy lifestyle and stick to it over the years. you will find your body become fitter and better looking with the passage of time.


Laser Skin Care - The Low Cost Way to Preserve Your Beauty

By: Sal Farzin

Some people are vain enough to do everything to preserve the beauty of their face and their skin. And so they are willing to pay so much for the special techniques that could bring them the fountain of youth. Laser skin care can actually help them. The use of laser had evolved so much over time. After its use in engineering and industries, it had invaded health care and skin clinics as well.

A good example of laser skin care is skin resurfacing. This new method of bring forward one's lost beauty is widely used all over the world these days. In this procedure, outer layers of the skin will be abraded to reveal the almost perfect inner skin. With the use of the Fraxel Laser, this procedure is performed easily by the experts.

Laser is also used to treat hyperhidrosis. Simply defined, hyperhidrosis is excessive sweating. It is the condition wherein the body excretes too much sweat, with or without provocation. For this concern, the problem areas are usually the forehead, armpits, palms, and soles. With the use of laser, this health problem can now be addressed.

Laser skin care techniques are widely used in removing skin pigmentations, birthmarks, wrinkles, and age spots. These laser applications are usually performed inside the clinic of a licensed dermatologist. Talk to a skin care specialist and he or she should help you with your problem. You may need to undergo several treatments before the spot is totally removed.

Laser skin care can also be used to remove unwanted hair, tattoo, leg veins, and facial veins. While these procedures require different sets of knowledge and different areas of expertise, they are all performed using laser technology. And this is the reason why this device is very popular in skin care clinics these days.

Schedule an appointment with a qualified skin care expert near you. Learn all about the laser treatments straight from the practitioner himself. During the consultation period, you can also request for advices and suggestions to know which procedure is right for you, your time, and your budget.

If you want to learn more about laser skin care and dry skin care treatments, then check out best laser skin care for more detailed information.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Sal_Farzin


Exploring New Ways to Heal Depression

By: Jennifer M Ryan

Ask a middle school student today if they remember life without the Internet and they will answer, "No." They have no recollection of using an encyclopedia or card catalogue as their main source of information. In fact, they probably can't even fathom searching the newspaper for movie times or having to listen to the radio to find out when a favorite band is coming to town. To them, life without the Internet is a foreign concept. This is how I think most of us are when it comes to illnesses. Whether they are physical (strep throat, headaches) or mental (depression, anxiety), most of us are incapable of considering the variety of treatment options possible. It has become the norm for us to do the same thing anytime something is "wrong" with us: we see a doctor, take medicine/get a shot/get an X-ray/etc., and wait for everything to get better.

Oftentimes we follow this same pattern when it comes to the more illusive psychological aliments with the only possible divergence from our usual routine being that we possibly throw in some psychotherapy or a self-help book. I'm not saying anything is wrong with this formula. When I realize that strep throat is settling in yet again, I run to the first urgent care clinic I can for an antibiotic script. Even so, it's good to challenge your standard operating procedures every now and then and at least consider other options. Fortunately, there are a wide variety of alternative therapies available even for something such as depression.

Below are snapshots of these treatments methods.

Herbal Remedies. Herbs have been used for thousands of years to treat illnesses. Some of the common herbs used to treat depression include: St. John's Wort, Ginko Biloba, Lavendar, Valerian Root, Ginseng, Amino Acid Supplements, and 5-HTP.

Vitamin and Mineral Therapy. Many people take vitamins and minerals but this alternative treatment may involve taking a wider variety of vitamins/mineral as well as taking different doses than the recommended amount shown on the bottle.

Acupuncture. This is an ancient Chinese method of healing that prevents and cures specific disease and conditions. The technique involves sticking very fine, solid needles into specific points on the body which prompts the body to produce chemicals that decrease or eliminate painful sensations. The theory is that it stimulates the body's ability to resist or overcome illnesses and conditions by correcting imbalances.

Exercise. If you read last week's article you know why exercise is a "super activity." Consistent and adequate exercise can do wonders for the body; not just on the superficial level (size 6 jeans) but in other, less visible ways. Exercise reduces stress and strengthens neurons; both good things when treating depression.

Reflexology. Reflexologists, like many other natural health practitioners, believe that the body has the capacity to heal itself. In this therapy, nerves related to various parts of the body are manipulated by applying pressure to specific points on the hands and feet. Through this it is thought that the healing process is stimulated.

Meditation. Meditation has been around for thousands of years and is a relatively uncomplicated - in theory if not in practice - treatment option. Through meditation, a person learns to focus on their breathing and becomes aware of their thoughts. Although one doesn't usually stop thoughts from happening, in meditation a person learns to let the thoughts be, without reacting to them. This alone can be quite powerful since most people in the Western world tend to "live in their head" and become entrenched in their thought patterns.

Art Therapy. Art therapy is exactly what it sounds like: therapy using art. Art therapy uses a combination of therapeutic techniques along with various art techniques and materials (clay, paints, and chalks) to help people express and heal themselves.

Biofeedback/Neurofeedback. This treatment relies on sensitive computers that are able to "read" a person's various internal states. Patients who receive this treatment receive information on how their body responds to certain thoughts, activities, and beliefs. Using this information, patients are then taught how to manage their body reactions. For example, let's say that, through biofeedback, I learned that my heart starts racing and my mind becomes overly active when I encounter dogs. My therapist would teach me how to control my body reactions so that when I encounter dogs I am better able to handle it.

Emotional Freedom Therapy/EFT. This relatively new therapy is based on the fact that our bodies are composed of energy. Disruptions in our energy fields cause problems and, according to EFT, healing can occur by tapping on established energy meridians while at the same time thinking of negative emotions.

Alternative therapies for depression are becoming more popular due in part because of the adverse side effects of traditional anti-depressant medications. Even if you aren't "in the market" for new ways of approaching depression; consider the multitude of solutions available for any ailment that you may encounter. After all, if the Internet breaks down, it's good to know how to use an encyclopedia. :)

Jennifer Ryan, M.Ed., LPC
Licensed Psychotherapist


The Fastest Way to Lose Weight

By: Ugo Julie

The fastest way to lose weight is to know what caused your obesity in the first place. Its that simple. Once you know the cause, you'll get the solution. Thus when you know what you did to be fat, first stop doing it, second you do the opposite to get the reverse effect. So let's examine the causes of obesity.

1. Heredity: Have you ever wondered that some people eat and eat yet they are as a slim as a pole. But others add weight whenever they put something in their mouth. In a scientific study, adults who were adopted as children were found to have weights closer to their biological parents than to their adoptive parents. It is the genes at work. Now if you found out that you are obese because your parent has fat genes, try exercise. You can start by walking (brisk walk) for an hour a day.

2. Overeating: We all know that too much of anything is bad (I don't about fresh air).Remember, all foods are fattening if you eat more than your body require. So are you obese because of the quantity of your food intake? First stop it, second start today to reduce the quantity of food you take. Learn to choose more nutritious meals that are low in fat.

3. Lack of exercise: Do you that there are people who aren't genetically fat, they eat right but they are fat? Reason they don't exercise. Yes, lack of physical activity increase the storage of fats in your system. There are lots of exercises you can choose from-walking, swimming, cycling, jogging. Choose the one you like and try exercising for 30 minutes-1 hour every morning before you take your bath.

4. Negative emotions: Some people eat in response to emotions such as anxiety, fear, anger, worry, sadness or boredom. Then they grow fat which leads to depression and low self-esteem and they eat more. If you are in this category, first stop it, eat only when you are hungry. Second fill your life with positive emotions like love, peace, faith, hope, happiness.

5. Illness: Studies have shown that certain illness like Hypothyroidism, Cushing's syndrome, can lead to obesity or a tendency to gain weight. Also drugs such as steroids and some antidepressants may cause weight gain. If you find yourself in this category see your doctor, he'll help you. A doctor can tell you whether there are underlying medical conditions that are causing your weight again or making your weight loss attempt difficult.

6. Virus: Scientists say a common virus may be one of the reasons so many people are obese. They say obesity is caused by a virus that causes colds and sore throat and is spread by dirty hands. The latest research showed that the virus could trigger the development of fatty cells in the body. So you know what to do. Protect yourself from cold and wash your hand (personal hygiene).

Are you tired of the fats on your body? You've been starving but still not losing weight?The problem is not getting the right information.This can be found here.

Ugo Julie is committed to helping people be healthier, wealthier and happier. More of her works can be seen at http://www.losethatweightfast.blogspot.com


Common Health Risks of Obesity - How to Calculate Your Body Mass Index

Health science and nutrition were experiencing tremendous development in the last decade. They are still constantly evolving in a very fast pace. Sometimes, it is rather difficult to know what information is valid as some of the latest case studies could sometimes contradict earlier ones.

However, when it comes to the relationship between overweight and some associated health risks, wide range of independent studies seem to agree or have the same basic conclusion over the last few decades.

Most people agree that being overweight would increase the risk of many diseases and health conditions. These include heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, stroke, osteoarthritis, gallbladder disease, respiratory problems, colon cancer, breast cancer, liver damage, etc.

Are you overweight?

Let me show you an easy way to calculate your weight; it's called BMI (Body Mass Index). It's a measurement tool that compares your height to your weight and gives you an indication of whether you are overweight, underweight or at a healthy weight for your height.

Here is the formula: Weight in Kilograms / (Height in Meters) x (Height in Meters).

In words, you divide your weight (in kg) by your height (in m) squared.

For example, if your weight is 85kg and your height is 1.8m ; your BMI = 26.23.

The following table is a rough classification:

- BMI < 18.5 means you are under weight.
- BMI between 18.6 and 24.99 indicates you are at a healthy weight.
- BMI between 25 and 29.99 indicates you are overweight for your height.
- BMI between 30 and 34.99 indicates obesity (class 1)
- BMI between 35 and 39.99 indicates obesity (class 2)
- BMI 40 and above suggests Extreme Obesity!

The BMI is a good yardstick for you to judge if you're at high risk of potential health problems. If you're on the lower end of the BMI scale, you're at low health risk. But for those who are nearer to the higher BMI scale are at higher health risks.

For example, cardiovascular disease and insulin resistance syndrome are often associated with people who have excessive fat deposits around the stomach and abdomen (or abdominal obesity). Women whose waist circumference of 35 inches or more are considered to be having abdominal obesity. For men, it's 40 inches or above.

Excessive body fat is a known factor that contributes to narrowing of the arteries and clots that can cause a stroke and heart attacks. Excessive body fat also also causes an increase in blood pressure (hypertension).

Another common health problem that is always associated to obesity is Type 2 diabetes. Of course, genetic factors will contribute to type 2 diabetes but according to most studies, the risk becomes double for those who are obese or experiencing rapid weight gain of say 10-20 lbs.

Although there are many genetic and other environmental elements that could contribute to higher health risks, excessive body fat is always a big factor contributing to serious health issues. Being overweight is not a matter of appearance, it's a health risk.

Visit our site for more weight loss tips and find out the real reason why people are fat. You can also download a FREE report on how to find the right weight loss program at our site. This report is packed with lots of useful tips about successful weight loss programs. Go and download it at http://www.healthbuzzone.com/


Your Diabetic Diet - Part II - Diabetic Diets to Help Maintain Blood Sugar Levels

You have been suffering for some time now with diabetes and are wondering just what you can eat and how much. There is much confusion about the things you can eat with diabetes and how you can maintain sugar levels without feeling guilty about the food you consume. In the second part of our series, we tell you what diabetic diets you can follow and still keep up your energy levels, while also controlling your blood sugar levels. Read on to know more.

Diet is a vital part of treatment for diabetes. The tricky thing here is that there is nothing like a "standard, ideal diet" for all diabetic patients. However, there are certain general guidelines you can follow to keep healthy in spite of your diabetes.

Once you discover the best kind of diet for you, it is advisable to stick to that diet and maintain regular food habits as well. Your body develops the disorder because it is not able to absorb or generate the insulin needed for it to maintain its energy levels. So you need first and foremost to supply it that energy through your diet. Of course, having your medication as per the doctor's advice is very good, but a healthy diet should also go hand-in-hand with it.

Your diabetic diet comes under two categories, namely, measured and unmeasured diet. In the former case, you have to consume a measured diet, whereas in the latter, you just have to follow the prescribed diet schedule without having to measure it.

The following are the food types you should include in your diet:

1. Proteins give you invaluable amino acids, which can repair your damaged tissues and also maintain glucose levels in the body. Besides, proteins also contain lesser calories. 15-20% of your diet should comprise proteins.

2. Carbohydrates help keep up energy levels and can prevent ketosis. About 60% of your daily diet should contain carbohydrates. In order to maintain energy levels all day, you could break up your carb consumption into 4-5 small portions throughout the day.

3. Fats need to be avoided, especially the high-density, saturated variety. You can include up to 20% fat in your daily diet. Only, use unsaturated fats and exercise enough to burn it up.

4. Fibers control a rise in blood sugar levels by reducing the glucose absorption rate in the body and by throwing out extra glucose by way of excretion. Fibrous foods work great for you with diabetes! It is recommended that you take about 25g of fiber per 1000 calories you consume. This is also useful to you for controlling your diabetes in the long run.

5. You could do well to avoid foods such as sweet potato, white sugar, glucose, jams and marmalade, honey, fried foods, mango, custard apple and such other food items that are too sweet or too loaded with calories. Instead, include more raw foods, salads and green leafy vegetables in your diet.

Follow the diabetic diets given above and you are completely assured of a healthy, happy life ahead!

Gary Sanders is an expert on diabetic diets and diabetes sufferer. He has dedicated the last decade of his life to mastering every aspect of diabetes including nutrition, diagnosis, and prevention. He has created an award winning guide that is available at http://www.DiabetesSymptomsGuide.com


Your Diabetic Diet - Part I - What Your Ideal Diabetic Diet Should Comprise

The American Diabetic Association or the ADA constantly carries out new research and brings out the latest findings in the field of diabetes, so as to help out patients deal with their problem. Their latest subject of research is diabetic diet and what exactly it should contain. Here is a two-part series, which deals with what you can eat while suffering from this disorder.

Any healthcare advisor can provide the ideal diabetic meal plan to you. What is special with this food pyramid plan is that you get to know what kinds of food you can indulge in without feeling very guilty and what you should avoid as far as possible. This list also makes it more methodical and so, more simple for you to plan your meals in a way that you get the maximum nutrition out of them.

You should ideally consume about 1200-1600 calories a day, so that your energy lasts all day through. Of course, it also depends upon how much active you are physically and how fast your body is able to burn up all the calories consumed.

Here is the diabetic food pyramid given by the ADA. The first ingredient constitutes the base of the pyramid and this is the food variety that can be consumed the most. Likewise, the items mentioned last constitute the top of the pyramid and are best avoided or consumed in the minimum quantities.

- Whole grains and starchy foods

Whole grains are far better than anything else, as they contain a lot of fiber and essential nutrients for the body. Some schools believe that one should completely do away with starchy foods. But that is not so true. Starch, that is, carbohydrates, consumed in moderation, gives the body the necessary energy to keep going on all day. So you could do well to include foods such as rice, pasta, cereal and bread in your everyday diet. Apart from these, black-eyed peas, potatoes and dry beans too are good for you.

- Vegetables

Go for veggies that are really rich in vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. Cabbage, cauliflower, broccoli, spinach, tomatoes, carrots and lettuce are some of the vegetables that can vastly benefit you.

- Fruits

Many fruits like mangoes and avocados are naturally loaded with calories. Try and avoid them or at least minimize their intake, as they can cause problems for you later. Of course, you should not expect to have major trouble if you take a little bite when you are absolutely in control of your blood sugar and lead an active lifestyle. Fruits such as bananas, pears, peaches, melons, apricots and oranges will work wonders for you!

- Milk and milk products

Using skimmed milk and milk products will let you cut down on calories without compromising on the taste of the product.

- Meats

Eat only lean meats like skinned chicken, fish, eggs and turkey. If you prefer vegetarian, you could also try tofu and cottage cheese. These supply you the protein you need.

- Fried and sweet foods

These are best kept away from, as they practically drip with calories! Such foods include cakes, cookies, chips and other fried sweets and savories. Of course, you could indulge in a bite occasionally, but do take care not to overdo it in any way.

Please refer to the next part to know more about diabetic diets.

Gary Sanders is an expert on diabetic diet and diabetes sufferer. He has dedicated the last decade of his life to mastering every aspect of diabetes including nutrition, diagnosis, and prevention. He has created an award winning guide that is available at http://www.DiabetesSymptomsGuide.com


How to Avoid Complications in Diabetes?

By: Stephen_Thomson

Excess blood sugar can cause damage to body cells and lead to either short term or long-term complications in diabetes. Short-term complications are hyperglycemia and increase ketones in urine. Long term complications are blood vessel diseases, heart diseases, damage to nerves, kidney damage, complications in eyes, skin diseases etc.

In early stages of diabetes, patient ignores the disease and do not take any measures to control the blood sugar. High sugar in blood for long time cause damage to various organs like heart, kidney, eyes, nerves, blood vessels, etc. However, If blood sugar is kept under control and with active diabetes care, you can reduce the risk of complications in diabetes. Following are some of the ways by which you can reduce the risk of diabetes complications:

Have a regular physical examination every year, in addition to your regular checkup, so that any complication can be detected in early stages.

Get your eyes examined by an ophthalmologist or eye specialist every year. High blood sugar affects the lens as well as retina. Presence of high blood pressure along with diabetes increases the risk of complications in eyes.

Diabetes impairs the immunity of body and increase the risk of infections. So, stay up-to-date with vaccinations, so that you can avoid diseases like influenza, tetanus and hepatitis B.

Diabetes is associated with poor blood flow to the feet and nerve damage in the feet, which increases the risk of complications in foot. So, take care of your feet to avoid the complications.

Stop smoking. Smoking increases the risk of complications like cardiovascular, neuropathies and nephropathy in diabetes.

Keep record of your blood sugar as well as blood pressure. Although diabetes is associated with increase level of sugar in blood, but it can increase the blood pressure and cause hypertension. Presence of hypertension along with high blood sugar increases the risk of cardiovascular complications like heart attack, stroke or other life-threatening conditions.

So, with proper diabetes care and control of blood sugar, you can reduce the risk of diabetes complications.

For information on scientifically formulated supplementation to control blood sugar, please visit diabetes supplement and for articles on health related topics The Health Information website.


How to Get Relief From Hemorrhoids?

By: Jenifer

Hemorrhoids are swollen veins in the rectal area which are a result of sedentary lifestyle, increased pressure on these veins due to obesity or pregnancy, sitting or standing for a long time, constipation or could be a hereditary condition. Fortunately, there are many methods which can successfully bring relief from hemorrhoids.

Treatment of hemorrhoids

Luckily, hemorrhoids are successfully treated at any stage. The earlier you notice the condition, the easier are the ways to cure it. In many cases, the remedies for hemorrhoids can be found at home. These include:

- Good personal hygiene: First of all, stop using rough toilet paper. Create a habit of using wet wipes after defecation or just wash the affected area with mild soap after bowel movement. Never leave the area wet. Dry it gently and apply some hemorrhoid ointment on the hemorrhoid.

- Take sitz baths two or three times daily. Use lukewarm plain water and sit in the tub for 10 to 15 minutes. Dry the hemorrhoidal area carefully after the bath.

- Ice packs: In cases of severe pain and discomfort you can use ice blocks wrapped in cloth to alleviate the pain.

- Topical analgetics: You can use over-the-counter medication to control the pain in the hemorrhoid unit.

- High-fiber diet: Healthy body results from healthy diet. Food is extremely important for the proper functioning of the intestines. Eat more nuts, raw vegetables and fruit to make sure that the nutrients which are vital to your body will reach every cell of it.

- Take a bioflavonoids supplement: bioflavonoids have the property to strengthen the capillaries. Since hemorrhoids are capillaries inflammation, bioflavonoids can successfully counteract the hemorrhoidal condition.

- Treat constipation: if you do not take measures to fight constipation, this will worsen the hemorrhoidal unit. Use laxative suppositories and stool softeners to keep the rectal area free from irritation and discomfort.

- Apply local treatment: use creams and ointments with anti-inflammatory effect to relieve hemorrhoid symptoms.

- Engage in physical activities: exercise improves the blood circulation and strengthens the muscles in the rectal area. This way they become less vulnerable to inflammation and occurrence of hemorrhoids.

Medical remedies for hemorrhoids.

Medical treatment of hemorrhoids happens rarely because the varieties of alternatives which are easy to apply at home alleviate the symptoms and make the hemorrhoids shrink. But in cases of heavy rectal bleeding or formation of big clots on the anus area, your doctor may recommend the following medical procedures:

- Sclerotherapy- a chemical substance is injected into the hemorrhoid unit which leads to its shrinking.

- Banding hemorrhoids - a mechanical way to cut off the blood supply to the hemorrhoid unit by placement of tiny rubber bands at the base of the hemorrhoid.

- Infrared light - bursts of infrared light are used to cut off the hemorrhoid from blood circulation and leaving the area to form a scar skin.

- Surgery - this is the most painful treatment of hemorrhoids. It is done with anesthetic and the patient should be hospitalized.

Related Articles:

Best Hemorrhoids Treatment Products

How Fiber Can Help Prevent Hemorrhoids 


Breast Pump And How They Work

By: Jody Siena

Just like breast feeding, pumping is a skill that you learn. When first trying a breast pump, most mothers are only able to express a few drops of milk. With the proper practice and knowledge, the mother will be more efficient at pumping.

Preparing the breast pump

1. Read all the instructions in the kit very carefully.

2. Every part of the breast pump will need to be sterilized before you begin using it.

3. After use, all the parts of the pump will need to be washed in warm, soapy water, then rinsed with hot water and drained on a clean towel. The plastic tubing doesn't need to be cleaned unless you get milk into it. If you do wash it, it should be hung to allow time to dry and drain thoroughly.

4. If your doctor feels the need, the entire kit can be sterilized every day.

5. When you first start with an electric pump, the suction level should be on the lowest possible setting.

Getting started

- Warm compresses, gentle massages of the breast and gentle nipple stimulation will help to stimulate a quick let down.

- You should always relax while doing breast massages during pumping. Some mothers prefer to close their eyes then think about nursing the baby, imagining the baby in their arms. The more relaxed a mother is, the better let down she'll have and the more milk will be dispensed.

- Your first attempts at pumping should be considered practice sessions with learning to use the breast pump as the goal, not how much milk is actually dispensed.

- When you use a hand pump, quick, short pumps at the start is stimulating and will imitate more closely the way a baby breast feeds. Once the let down occurs and milk starts to flow freely, long, steadier strokes are more effective and less tiring.

- When you learn to pump, you should practice for 5 minutes on a side at least once or twice a day. Always pick the least stressful part of your day for pumping.

Relaxing and realizing that the pump is your friend is the single most important thing that a mother can do. There are several things that a mother can do to help herself relax, such as putting a picture of the baby on the pump, playing cards or a game with friends, watching television, read books, or talk on the phone. Simply watching the collection bottle is not helpful and will probably put more stress on you than you actually need.


Cosmetic Surgery Finance Make It Affordable For All

By: Steven Norris

A cosmetic surgery loan is not a new concept. The UK, North America and Australia have offered this particular financing for years now. Smaller financial institutions noticed a particularly large gap in the market, in regards to clientele looking for surgery finance. This is how Cosmetic surgery financing institutions began. Today it is a booming market, with countless institutions throughout the world assisting patients in realizing their dreams.

South Africa is new to the concept of cosmetic surgery loans. There are currently only a few financial institutions that offer loans of this nature. They are not difficult to locate though, merely Googeling it will produce a short list and from there you can select a loan institute which suits your particular needs. The scary and surprising fact is that once you have given your details to the financial institution for verification purposes, your loan could be approved in under an hour. You have waited your entire life to correct a birth defect or improve your looks and the decision is handed down to you in an hour or less.

These loans are of course, exceptionally expensive. Varying from R6000 [Botox injections] to R40, 000 [Tummy tuck or face lift], these surgeries are thankfully payable over long periods of time, much like a car loan would be. This is why cosmetic surgery loans are so feasible. With a good credit history and a job that pays decently, almost anyone can afford to change their appearance. Approved loans are also paid directly to the surgeon and related professionals connected to your surgery. All you would need to worry about is safely recovering from your cosmetic procedure.

Plastic surgery is very rarely (if ever considered by current medical aids). If it is life threatening and an absolute medical requirement, such as a deviated septum or facial burn scars, medical aid might consider it. This is why cosmetic surgery loans are such unbelievable sources of happiness for those who could never in their wildest dreams afford them. If you are considering plastic surgery, yet cannot afford it then this is the best option for you. If you are turned down, don't despair. Work on your inner beauty, it is just as hard to obtain.


Tips on Anti Aging Skin Care

By: Jennifer J. King

Has this ever happened to you? You're out running errands and suddenly you run into an old high school classmate. You stop and chat, catching up on who is doing what, but inside you are wondering whether you look your age, or worse, older.

Well, here are some tips on anti aging skin care, and what you can do to help turn back the clock.

Tip #1

Get your ZZZZZZZ's. We've all seen it in the mirror, the morning after a night of little sleep. The dark circles under the eyes, the wrinkles that seemed to have popped up overnight, and the baggy eyelids. All of these are outward signs of lack of quality sleep.

Now imagine what would happen if you rarely got a good nights sleep.

A person needs sleep in order to rejuvenate their body, and keep everything in good working order, and that includes the skin. One can take a few, easy steps to ensure more sleep in their anti aging skin care routine.

First, make sure you get to bed on time.

Second, make the room and bed as conducive to sleep as possible by removing TVs and computers, and make sure both mattress and pillows are comfortable.

Lastly, make the room as dark as possible using room darkening shades, a sleep mask or both.

Tip #2

While a good anitaging skin cream can't hurt, healthy, radiant skin starts from the inside out. Everything we eat and drink will affect both how we look and feel, so a good diet and plenty of water are essential.

A healthy diet should include lots of antioxidant rich fruits and vegetables. An easy way to identify these is by color: the darker the color, the higher the level of antioxidants in the food. Some examples of these antioxidant powerhouses would be spinach, blueberries, and broccoli. Foods that contain high amounts of vitamins E and C are also powerful antioxidants. What is so important about these antioxidants, you may ask?

The answer is free radicals.

These destructive molecules are one of the major causes of aging of the skin. They circulate thru the body, stealing electrons from healthy cells, thus creating more free radicals, fewer healthy cells, and speeding up the aging process.

The last part of a healthy diet and good anti aging skin care regimen is fresh, purified water in adequate quantities. Our bodies are largely made up of water, about 70% in fact. If you stay well-hydrated, by drinking at least 8 glasses of water daily, that can go a long way in keeping your skin looking its best.

Tip #3

Limit your time in the sun. While we have all heard recently of the need for sun exposure in order for our bodies to make vitamin D, too much sunlight can damage our skin cells and hasten the signs of aging. It is best to keep your face shaded, using a wide brim hat, if you plan to be out in the sun, especially during the peak sun hours of 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM.

Turning back the clock

Here are some ingredients that I have found important to look for in an anti aging skin care product. Hopefully you can benefit from my quest for a quality product with proven results.

Phytessence Wakame. This is derived from kelp that is found in the Japanese Sea. Phytessence Wakame helps to keep the enzyme hyaluronidase from breaking down hyaluronic acid. This is important because hyaluronic acid is necessary in order for the elastin and collagen fibers in your skin to hold together. Without it, one would lose their youthful appearance and begin to notice more fine lines and wrinkles.

Cynergy TK. This is a very exciting new compound that actually stimulates your body to produce more collagen and elastin! What does this mean for you: fewer wrinkles, and firmer, more youthful, healthier looking skin?

Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10). This is a vitamin-like substance made in our body that acts like an antioxidant by blocking free radicals. As we age, our bodies secrete less of this material, causing us to show the visible signs of aging.

One thing to bear in mind is, not all CoQ10 is created equal. Though many an antiaging skin cream will say it contains CoQ10, most are ineffective. The best I have found is called Nano-Lipobelle H-EQ10. This stuff is different because it is a "nano-emulsion" and can penetrate deeply into the skin blocking free radicals as far as seven layers deep!

So, now that you know how to enhance your anti aging skin care habits, and what ingredients to look for, you can do your own research to find a product that works best for you. That way, the next time you run into that former classmate, they can be the one wondering how old they look.


Therapies For Stuttering And Stammering

By: Steve Hill

So you have realised that speech therapy is doing very little to improve your fluency and have now decided to seek an alternative form of stuttering therapy, but what options are available for people who have this form of speech impediment?

At the age of eighteen, after having attended the traditional forms of speech therapy for the previous fourteen years, I also decided that enough was enough. I felt let down by the system, by the lack of understanding of the problems that I was having to face on a daily basis, surely there must be some treatments for stuttering out there that is better than this.

This was seventeen years ago, before the start of the internet revolution. I started my search to find a cure for stuttering by visiting my local library, unfortunately this proved to be a waste of time. I then looked in my local yellow pages and also went to see my local doctor but again it was as if there was not a person or therapist which specialised in the treatment of stuttering. Did nobody care?

Fortunately nowadays, since the birth of the internet, people have access to a massive amount of resources and information via the web. They are able to find the latest therapies for stuttering by doing a simple search on one of the major search engines, such as Google, I sure wish that this had been an option for me all those years ago.

Options in stuttering therapy include speech therapy courses run by people who have managed to overcome a stutter. These are normally held on a group basis however there are one-to-one stuttering courses out there, these are the most popular and beneficial but they can have long waiting lists due to this popularity.

Attending a speech course is not suitable to everyone and for people who are unable to attend such a course there are a number of powerful and beneficial self-help stuttering products on the market.

All in all the options in stuttering therapy have improved some what in the last fifteen years!


Women Who Are Pregnant At the Highest Risk for Lead Poisoning Complications

By: Peter Kent

Women who are pregant are at an extremely high risk for complicating their pregnancy if exposed to lead paint or developing lead poisoning.

Additionally, the following are tips that will help a pregant woman avoid lead exposure:

Clean Up!

Cleanliness is next to godliness...and can help pregnant women escape the dangers of toxic lead exposure. Pregnant women should clean the house when they see the presence of chipping paint or dust - both of which can contain lead particles.

Cover chipping paint in your home with duct tape, plastic or contact paper, and vacuum dust whenever possible. A wet cloth will help wash down painted and dusty surfaces, protecting you from lead particles and their potential dangers to you and your fetus.

Hand-washing, while common-sense, is not practiced enough, so be sure to wash up after interacting with soil, which might contain lead toxins, and before preparing food or eating. Wear garden gloves and wash up after dusting or mopping to prevent cross-contamination with your food or water.

Craft With Care

Ceramic and other pottery may have its appeal, but with lead paint posing a very real threat to your fetus, it may be a good idea to avoid ceramic crafts until after your pregnancy. If you must interact with lead-containing pottery or paint during your pregnancy, be sure to wash your hands well afterwards and wear protective clothing. Although women who utilize crafts and other similar activities have the ability to continue crafting, one such craft that should be avoided is soldering.

Change your clothing after working with lead-filled crafts materials and be sure to wash them away from other family members' garments. Take Care At Work Occupational exposure to lead is dangerous for men and women, but pregnant women run the additional risk of lead contamination to their unborn children.

Additionally, it is advisable for women who work with soldering irons, welders, lead paint or other similar chemicals or products in a manufactoring environment to cease and desist all work until after the pregancy and breast feeding. Washing hands as often as possible may decrease the risk, but women should still request a transfer so as to not expose their unborn child to lead. It is also important to avoid tainting your familymember's clothing by separating lead exposed clothing in a different hamper from other, everyday clothing.

A household can quickly become a dangerous area if shoes exposed to lead are brought inside. Educate yourself about the hazards of lead exposure and be certain to talk to your doctor about how your prenatal care can reflect your concern about lead poisoning and lead exposure.

Seek Legal Advice for Exposure

If you have been exposed to lead paint or other lead at work or at home, consult a doctor and then a lawyer. The injuries associated with lead poisoning can be extremely expensive, which is why developing a lead poisoning lawsuit to potentially receive monetary compensation is an ideal option for many.


Organic Health And Beauty Ideas

By: Britney Smith

Eating organic foods can make you a healthy person, but what about organic products for organic health and beauty? You want your skin to look and feel healthy and beautiful, and you also want your body and hair to feel the same way. But at the same time, you do not want to use products with harsh chemicals or products that were tested on animals. A beauty product that is organic and not tested on animals may seem difficult to find, so here are some ideas for organic health and beauty.

Finding Organic Health And Beauty Products

Finding organic health and beauty products may seem like a daunting task. If you live in an urban or highly developed area, chances are you can find an organic store near you that will sell products like mineral only make up or moisturizers. However, if you live in a rural area and only have large chain department stores near you, it may be more difficult. Do not despair! You can still purchase organic health and beauty products from the World Wide Web. There are many different organic health and beauty product retailers out there, and the prices are widely varied for the different products available. A quick web search will easily find you an organic health and beauty product retailer!

Do It Yourself Organic Health And Beauty

If you do not have the money to purchase organic health and beauty products off of the internet, you can try some of these do it yourself ideas. If you are concerned for your hair health and want to rejuvenate it in an organic fashion, try coating your hair in egg whites. Egg whites have a moisturizing aspect to them that is great for dry hair. If you do this weekly, you will notice a drastic improvement in your hair!

If your skin is dry, there are many different things you can do at home. The easiest is a seaweed wrap. Simply place organic seaweed (found at your local organic food store or pharmacy) on the dry area, wrap with plastic wrap, and remove in thirty minutes.

Another organic method to improve the health and beauty of your skin has to do with coffee. This is to help with cellulite, but it will also improve the overall health of your skin. Grind up some organic coffee beans (they must be caffeinated), and while taking a warm shower scrub them into your legs (or any other area of your body). The caffeine will wake up your fat cells and make your skin both healthier and more beautiful.


How To Lose Weight Fast

By: Jackie Serta

Wanting a slimmer and sexier body is no lofty ambition. Many people have succeeded in sculpting their physiques to make them look healthy and desirable. However, this end is not attained in just a snap or skipping one night's dinner. For some people though, patience is not a virtue. They seem not to be able to afford so much attention, time and money to get the body they have always wanted. As a result, these people result to rapid weight loss practices and programs which may not be as effective as these people are led to believe they are.

Fast-track diets are one of these rapid weight loss practices which may not be very inviting as they seem according to research. Fast-track diet programs, as scientific research shows, are only good while they last. Rapid weight loss often results ironically, to rapid weight gain. people who undergo low carbohydrate or low calorie diets normally revert back to old eating habits simply because human beings can not actually live on with this type of diet scheme for the rest of their lives.

Now there is also scientific research showing that rapid weight loss does not imply an individual is losing unwanted excess fat; it is commonly water that is lost with following rapid weight loss practices. This could cause certain alarm but actually, water lost is regained very quickly. So there is actually zero net weight lost after all. So one should not be foolish enough to be so gullible with the advertising of certain diet pills out there in the market; especially those which claim to aid lose a whopping amount of fat in a short time. They will only dehydrate the body. And just so it is clear, the body can only lose two pounds of fat per week, one could be exceptionally lucky if he can lose three, but normally, it's just two.

Another rapid weight loss product out in the market is the slimming soap. Claiming that these soaps are made from a unique concoction of rare chinese herbs and seaweed, they assert to help people using them to shed off body fats by emulsifying them upon application while taking a bath. Some are even specialized like those which promise to give the user "beautiful thighs". The ingredients may prove to improve the quality of the skin but no research has ever come up yet which aids to prove the efficacy of these ingredients in emulsifying excess body fats.

One more rapid weight loss product out there in the market promises to suppress hunger and at the same time help increase the body's metabolic rate. It also claims to be able to accelerate the healing process and reduce certain body pains, all these plus its being a very chic fashion accent. Well they are actually called magnetic weight loss earrings.

The secret of this set of earrings is in the magnet, so it says. Wearing them near the ears balances the magnetism in the body therefore one will experience all the above mentioned effects. Though press releases say that there are actually "studies" to back these assertions up, nothing yet is found in medical journals. Though buying a set may not kill a person, it's probably not a wise investment. One might as well wear a horse shoe earring for a more exquisite fashion statement.

Bottom line is "no pain, no gain". If one wants a beautiful body, one must sweat it out. And as for those rapid weight loss products coming out on the market, if they are too good to be true, they probably are not.


Enhance Your Breast In Little 30 Days

By: Edwa Spark

Breast Enhancement Pills and become increasingly popular alternative to surgery to increase breast. Our society realizes the importance of breasts and body of a woman. How could we not, we are created by women and run by women! We have a good herbal Breast help you achieve pill for the confidence you want.

After only a few weeks, your body reacts to the effects of improving the chest companies road. We have a sophisticated herbal, of course, increase your breasts and society, or your money. Many women are dangerous, procedures and treatments to improve their artificial breasts, often with undesirable results and undertakes in favour of potentially dangerous consequences.

The good news is that companies route chest pills are a natural alternative specially formulated for fast, safe and natural breast enlargement. The companies road is made with natural ingredients herbal, which leads to the enlargement of the breast. In addition, these herbs are increasing sex and produce engines greater orgasms.

It is a revolutionary breakthrough for women who want to quickly and of course the size of their breasts, sex drive, and the quality of their sex life in general. To learn more about our information products. Be sure that all the positive feedback we get from our customers satisfied with our references. Breast Pills road companies are also guaranteed 100% for a full year or your money back!

Most women expect an increase of firmness in just 60 days and an increase in the size of the chest is so little as 3 months. An unexpected benefit for many women, to use the companies road is an increased sex drive or libido. Our special blend of herbs is the safe and effective formula for the expansion of the chest on the market today.


Mens Sexual Health �" Erectile Dysfunction and Premature Ejaculation Tips

By: dr Rony

There is a topic that most men feel bumpy to talk about, but it still subsists and is a fact that influences a large number of males around the world: erectile dysfunction or male impotence. But something many males do not know is why this happen or what can be done to resolve or cure this problem

Premature ejaculation is basically a common complaint of many young men. Many of their partners feel very frustrated by this situation too. Young men oftenly become very sexually aroused quite quickly; touch their hand and they have an erection. While this is the flattering for his partner, it’s not essentially very satisfying for a sexual relationship.

By the way, the average male takes less than the three minutes from the time of insertion until he ejaculates. According to the technical definition, premature ejaculation is ejaculation that occurs at prior to the when a man wishes or too quickly during intercourse to satisfy the partner. This typically leads to the loss of a usable erection for the simple reason that their discharge has temporarily released a state of elevated sexual tension.

What can a guy do? There are a few very simple things that will really help: First, he can masturbate before he goes out with his partner and This will make him really able to last longer. (Just a idea, but it does work). Understanding male sexual responses helps and If a guy ejaculates more quickly, he is going to lose his erection, and this “refractory phase” will last about of fifteen to twenty five minutes in a young man. There is actually nothing either person can do to trigger to another erection.

During the refractory phase then he can stimulate his partner by including: kissing, cuddling, hugging, petting, stimulating her breasts and genitals. After twenty minutes of stimulation she may being very sexually aroused and he will surely probably have another erection.

As a guy ages, his refractory phase gets much longer. Many guys learn to control the ejaculation by practicing the Kegel exercises" on a regular basis. Go to Kegel Exercises for more on doing those.

Women often feel that they should be in fact able to do something to “help” him or that they are doing something very wrong. essentially, this is his 'situation', and he needs to solve it himself. But, you can talk to him about it and lessen the expectation that he must sexually satisfy you every time.


Make a Plan To Quit Smoking

By: Jackie Winn

Are you a smoker who wants to quit the habit? A lot of people will tell you that stopping smoking can be very arduous, but the truth of the matter is, if you are truly resolved on quitting smoking then it may be that you might not feel it to be demanding in the least. If you really do desire to break the smoking habit, start off by telling yourself that you will never, ever touch one of those disgusting cigarettes again.

Mark a date on your Calendar:

If you feel absolutely determined to stop smoking, it is important ensure that you 100% believe that you will not never lay your hands on a tobacco product again, If you can't come to this decision for whatever reason than quite simply you are wasting your time and the entire exercise will prove to be pointless. With that in mind, it is important that you set a definite date for quitting so that you will be able to commence your new lifestyle of a life free from cigarettes. Once you have set a date you ought to abide by that date completely and be sure your state of mind is unchangeable and you will not allow yourself to fall back to that old bad habit again.

Preparation is Key:

The next thing you should do is to get ready for the date you have as your "Quit Smoking Day". Some individuals carry on smoking right up to the day they set for stopping stating they've plenty of time. Yet if you've genuinely made the decision to quit then you should at least try to cut down the number of cigarettes you smoke during the run up to your quitting day. It's very challenging to suddenly stop smoking due to the Nicotine addiction trying to pull you back to the habit once more.

You're Not On Your Own!

However difficult things sometimes appear to be, always remember that nothing is impossible. With a good amount of will power and determination individuals have always managed to overcome obstacles in their path and become successful. So always bear in mind that you most definitely are not the only one suffering as if you browse the internet or ask among your friends and acquaintances you will discover lots of people who have succeeded in breaking their smoking habit and are now living a healthier, happier and richer lifestyle!. So ask them what methods they chose to use and how they managed to overcome the periods of withdrawal that you will have to go through. Speak to a few people like this and you will find your confidence being boosted as if by magic. Also search on Google for public forums related to stop smoking and join a few of those; this is where you will be able to hook up with many of people who are in a similar situation to you. Introduce yourself with a simple post, Interact with other users and share your concerns and worries, they day say that "a problem shared is a problem halved" and this can often turn out to be true.

An Assortment Of Useful Tips:

As soon as you reach the date you set in your calendar as your "Quit Smoking Day", you need to embrace the process of getting rid of all smoking related thoughts from your mind and getting rid of all the smoking related stuff from you home including cigarette lighters, cigarettes (of course!), opened (and unopened) packets of cigarettes, all other kinds of tobacco. Throw the lot into your garbage can and breathe a huge sigh of relief now that finally and at last you are free from the dreaded demands of tobacco. Once you have cleared out your home (and car!) make the effort to have your clothes cleaned, together with your carpets and have your car interior valeted to get rid of those tobacco smoke odours, this is a huge help in getting rid of your smoking triggers.

Research have also shown that if you drink freshly squeezed orange juice at breakfast and/or with your evening meal, the affects of Nicotine on your body after you have quit smoking may be repressed substantially helping you to quit and stay quit!!

Remove all thoughts of smoking that are in your mind and throw away all the trash produced by smoking tobacco products from round you. You really can live a life which is free from tobacco smoke!


How To Get Rid Of Under Eye Wrinkles...Are Wrinkles Treatable?

By: Nic Roberts

Have you looked everywhere on how to get rid of under eye wrinkles? The eye area is one of the first regions of the face to show the signs of aging. The skin around the eyes is deprived of oil glands and is very delicate and that is why the skin doesnt have a protection against the environments influences and UV rays.

Eye wrinkles are a common and highly visible sign of aging. The lack of oil glands makes the skin around the eyes prone to dehydration and makes it easier for the wrinkles to form.

The most common cause of wrinkles around the eyes is the tiny muscles next to our eyes, contracting as we change our facial expressions, but that doesnt mean that we should stop smiling.

What you should do to prevent wrinkles around the eyes?

1)Dont forget to cleanse the skin around the eyes in the morning with special eye lotions or cleansing milk.

2)Apply an eye cream with light pats but dont stretch the skin. Apply them carefully starting at the outer corner of the eyes to the inner corners.

3)At night remove the makeup carefully. Apply cleansing milk and remove the mascara firstly and when you have removed the makeup completely apply an eye cream again.

4)The skin around the eyes is very delicate and sensitive, and thats why you should use special eye creams or gels that are specifically made for the delicate eye area. Most of them contain ingredients that relax the muscles, vitamins, retinol and collagen.

I hope you have found these tips helpful on how to get rid of under eye wrinkles.


One Simple Tip For Diabetics

By: Tehmina Mazher

Till to date there is no invention like magic cure, or magical pill, or a fantastic injection, the cure to diabetes is a simple remedy that is to have control on what you eat.

Eat Fibrous Food A diet low in fat and carbohydrates rich in fiber and proteins is recommended. You have to control the sugar levels with the help of diet and exercise is the only tip for the best management of diabetes.

Fruits help to control the blood sugar as they are low in glycemic index. They promote a slow and steady increase in the sugar level of the blood which is of great importance to diabetics.

In more simple words fiber keeps the blood glucose from going high after a meal because it slows down the speed at which the food is digested. A high fiber, low fat way of eating also reduces the risk for cancer, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure and obesity. Fiber has a favorable effect on cholesterol too.

Fiber in a food is made up of two types

Insoluble fiber Such as that found in vegetables and whole grain products.Insoluble fiber improves gastrointestinal function

Soluble Fiber Such as found in fruits, oats, barley and beans. Soluble fiber affects blood glucose.

The recommended amount of fiber is 20-35 grams per day.

The simplest rule for diabetics is to stick on to their diet. Do regular exercise and take your medicines. A well balanced diet according to your needs is the key of long, happy and healthy life.

I know that what I am going to tell you can be unbelievable, but thats the truth and 100% truth. Diabetes can be managed and even reversed. I have reversed it follow these links- Diabetes Information and Diabetes Cure and see the results and get a free e-book on diabetes.


Health And Beauty Tips

By: Britney Smith

Health and beauty care is important for many different reasons. While you may not be “Hollywood Beautiful,” if you are healthy you will still be beautiful. The only way to be truly beautiful is to be healthy first. Here are a few health and beauty tips to help you achieve the healthful beauty that you desire.

Health And Beauty Tip One

The first health and beauty tip is to protect your skin. Skin damage is the first way to appear older than you are and to reduce your overall beauty. Whenever you go outside, make sure that you are protecting your skin with a sunscreen or sun block. Also make sure that the SPF is a high number and not a lower number. The higher the number, the more protection your skin will have from harmful ultraviolet rays that the sun emits. In addition, make sure that your makeup includes some SPF protection as well. In addition, if you want a health and beauty tip that will last a lifetime, start wearing long sleeve and long pants whenever you are going to be outside exposed to the sun for long periods of time. There are many very light weight materials that will not make you any hotter outside but will prevent the sun from damaging your skin.

Health And Beauty Tip Two

The second health and beauty tip is to only wash your hair every other day at most. Washing your hair every day depletes the natural oils and nutrients that your hair produces, making your hair dry and easily damaged. If you only wash your hair once every few days, your hair will have time to naturally replenish those oils and nutrients and your hair will look and feel healthier. The first few days of not washing your hair may seem unnatural and dirty, but after your hair gets used to it you will be thrilled with the results.

Health And Beauty Tip Three

The third and final health and beauty tip we will discuss here is to eat healthy foods. If you fill your body with oily, greasy, and junky foods, your health and beauty will both suffer. If you eat natural foods that are rich in natural vitamins and nutrients, you will be able to tell the difference. A natural diet does not add anything unnatural like preservatives or additives to your body. In addition, if you eat a healthy and natural diet you will be able to maintain a healthy weight for your body type.

If you follow these tips, you will feel healthier and more beautiful in no time!


Origin of HIV/AIDS

By: Johnson Pinto

Origin of HIV/AIDS Most people believe that the origin of HIV, the AIDS virus, derives from some natural evolutionary event. The HIV origin theories is called "cut hunter theory" .The origin of AIDS and HIV has puzzled question inside the scientists ever since this illness first came to light in the early 1980s. For over twenty years it has been the subject of fierce debate and the cause of countless arguments, with everything from a promiscuous flight attendant to a suspect vaccine programmed being blamed. So what is the truth? Just where did AIDS come from? HIV was first identified in the United States in 1981 after a number of gay men started getting sick with a rare type of cancer. It took several years for scientists to develop a test for the virus, to understand how HIV was transmitted between humans, and to determine what people could do to protect themselves. The first registered cases in the U.S. occurred in New York City in 1952, 1959, and 1979. The cases from the 1950s were both males with PCP and other unusual infections. A Congolese man's blood sample from a medical study was preserved, found, and then analyzed in 1998. It was verified that he had been HIV+. Other suspected, but unverified because of the lack of either blood or tissue samples, cases date back as early as 1934. On February 1, 2000, M. Korber, et al. reported the results of a phylogenetic statistical analysis of the evolution of the retroviral genome of HIV using complex mathematical models allowing for both constant and variable rates of evolution. Her group's analysis required the use of supercomputers to backtrack the evolution to its source from monkeys. The most reliable time of origin in humans is somewhere around 1930 (a 95% confidence interval extends from 1910 to 1950). Several naysayer have claimed that the disease originated from the use of African green monkey kidneys to cultivate poliovirus in the late 1950's and early 1960's. This analysis finds that argument to be a very low probability event, hence quite unlikely. The hepatitis B vaccine was not considered by this esteemed gathering. Suspiciously neglected, this vaccine was produced in chimpanzees during pilot testing conducted in New York City, among gay men, and Central African villagers between 1972 and 1974. This was precisely timed for the emergence of AIDS in these exact, demographically distinct, communities by the late 1970s. The fact that this fact was neglected proves shoddy science or gross negligence at best. HIV-2 for example SIV a strain of the Simian Immunodeficiency Virus found in the sooty mangabey (also known as the White-collared monkey), which is indigenous to western Africa.

 The more virulent, pandemic strain of HIV, namely HIV-1, was until recently more difficult to place. Until 1999, the closest counterpart that had been identified was SIV,the SIV found in chimpanzees. However, this virus still had certain significant differences from HIV. The most commonly accepted theory is that of the 'hunter'. In this scenario, SIVcpz was transferred to humans as a result of chimps being killed and eaten or their blood getting into cuts or wounds on the hunter. Normally the hunter's body would have fought off SIV, but on a few occasions it adapted itself within its new human host and become HIV-1. The fact that there were several different early strains of HIV, each with a slightly different genetic make-up (the most common of which was HIV-1 group M), would support this theory: every time it passed from a chimpanzee to a man, it would have developed in a slightly different way within his body, and thus produced a slightly different strain. Some scientists identified a type of chimpanzee in West Africa as the source of HIV infection in humans. The virus most likely jumped to humans when humans hunted these chimpanzees for meat and came into contact with their infected blood. Over several years, the virus slowly spread across Africa and later into other parts of the world. An article published in The Lancet in 20043, also shows how retroviral transfer from primates to hunters is still occurring even today. In a sample of 1099 individuals in Cameroon , they discovered ten (1%) were infected with SFV (Simian Foamy Virus), an illness which, like SIV, was previously thought only to infect primates. All these infections were believed to have been acquired through the butchering and consumption of monkey and ape meat. Discoveries such as this have led to calls for an outright ban on bush meat hunting to prevent simian viruses being passed to humans. Where did HIV originate? First, HIV-2 is very closely related to SIV, the simian immune virus, found in sooty mangabeys. Baboons can be infected with HIV-1 and they can also suffer from a version of SIV. At the 6th American Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections held in Chicago from January 31-February 4, 1999, one of the keynote papers delivered by Beatrice Hahn on the first day presented evidence that HIV-1 is likely to have originated in West African chimpanzees .HIV could have been transferred from monkeys because they have long been kept as pets and used for food. When hunting monkeys it is not unusual for both the hunter and the hunted to exchange blood during capture. Currently there is a large market in "bush meat" obtained from monkeys. This does not bode well because there may well be continuing transfer of the disease from monkeys to humans.  In 2001, The Royal Society of London's conference proceedings, which sought to determine the initial cause of AIDS and the origin of HIV, were published for the world to behold. The most highly respected scientists and academicians debated the possibility that HIV-1, the most widespread and deadly human AIDS virus, evolved from accidental vaccine contaminations and subsequent transmissions to mostly African villagers. The oral polio vaccine (OPV) received the focus of interest here since that vaccine was partially derived from growing live polio viruses in monkey kidney cells that have historically proven to be contaminated with cancer viruses such as SV40 -- the 40th monkey virus ever discovered. This virus, like HIV-1, is currently linked by medical scientists to widespread human cancers. By the end of the symposium, the esteemed delegates concluded HIV's origin, and AIDS, was not likely to have come from polio vaccine transmissions as chimpanzees were not proven to have been used during the manufacture of this vaccine. . In 2008, CDC adjusted its estimate of new HIV infections because of new technology and developed by the agency. Before this time, CDC estimated there were roughly 40,000 new HIV infections each year in the United States. New results shows there were dramatic declines in the number of new HIV infections from a peak of about 130,000 in the mid 1980s to a low of roughly 50,000 in the early 1990s. Results also shows that new infections increased in the late 1990s, followed by a leveling off since 2000 at about 55,000 per year. AIDS cases began to fall dramatically in 1996, when new drugs became available. Today, more people than ever before are living with HIV/AIDS. CDC estimates that about 1 million people in the United States are living with HIV or AIDS. About one quarter of these people do not know that they are infected: not knowing puts them and others at risk.


Will Alternative Therapies Help You Solve Your Sleep Apnea Problems?

By: Bill Johnson

The use of alternative therapies is becoming more and more popular as more folks recognize that natural methods of curing and treatment have sound medical foundations. These are the folks who remember that aspirin originally -- with the ancient Greeks -- started as a distillation of willow bark. In short, nature often provides the resources to fix what's wrong with you.

How's Your Weight?

Be honest, now. If you're having sleep apnea problems, there's a very good chance that you're overweight by at least 15 pounds. That extra weight often goes to the neck ("double chin" anyone?) and results in a restricted airway. If you're overweight, try losing those extra pounds and see whether that doesn't resolve the problem. There are other benefits to losing the extra weight, too; but you probably already know -- you've already heard way too much from friends and family -- about those benefits, so I won't go into them here.

In addition to losing weight, or while you're in the process of losing weight, you might also try sleeping on your side. This tends to help keep the airway open as it makes it more difficult for the musculature to collapse.

How's Your Diet?

Homeopathy practitioners believe that there is a connection between sleep apnea and loss of energy. Thus, diet is something that you should pay attention to if you're struggling with sleep apnea. You should probably consider reducing the amount of sugar in your diet, along with foods you may be mildly allergic to -- perhaps so mildly allergic that you're unaware of it. A homeopathic practitioner will consider your situation and may recommend other foods and additives that you should stay away from.

The homeopathic practitioner may recommend one or more herbal medicines. These recommendations are often based upon your particular personality. Lachesis is frequently recommended to extroverted individuals. If you're extroverted, charismatic, swift to anger and other mood swings, then you may be the perfect candidate for lachesis. On the other hand, if you're introverted or have a history of pain and discomfort -- either emotional or physical pain -- then you may be susceptible to treatment with homeopathic opium.

How Does the World Smell To You?

Aroma therapy has been shown to be useful in dealing with sleep apnea episodes. Using vervain essence in oils, candles, and atomizers has a tendency to relax you. In addition to helping you deal with your sleep disorder, this relaxation also tends to lower stress and high blood pressure. Vervain and assorted other flower/essence remedies can be found at most health food stores or can be found on-line. If you are not already familiar with aroma therapy, you should investigate this form of non-invasive alternative therapy for yourself.

How's Your Serotonin?

There evidence that sleep apnea is sometimes related to your serotonin levels. The nerves that control your breathing require a certain amount of serotonin in order to be effective. Additionally, your body's serotonin receptors control which hormones are released into your body, and when they're released, and in what amounts. Cortisol is one of those hormones controlled by serotonin -- and cortisol controls, among other things, the muscles that make breathing possible.

Researchers have concluded that sleep apnea often results from failures within the serotonin system. They further contend that the use of a serotonin precursor, such as 5-HTP, can be highly beneficial if you're suffering debilitating sleep apnea. Doctors who recommend 5-HTP suggest that you consume 100 to 300 mg (milligrams) of 5-HTP before you go to bed so that your sleep will be more restful and less disturbed. 5-HTP is also alleged to improve your concentration and productivity throughout the course of the day.

How's Your Skepticism?

There are those who, in their own minds, tend to equate "alternative therapy" with "quack medicine." Hopefully you've come to recognize -- as has much of "the medical establishment" -- that alternative therapies such as acupressure, acupuncture, aroma therapy, and many more have a scientific basis underlying their effectiveness. If you have not yet considered alternative therapies as a potential treatment, perhaps it's now time to do so. Alternative therapies should be an adjunct to traditional medical treatment, not a replacement for consulting your doctor.

Copyright (c) William Johnson 2008


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