
Cosmetic Surgery Finance Make It Affordable For All

By: Steven Norris

A cosmetic surgery loan is not a new concept. The UK, North America and Australia have offered this particular financing for years now. Smaller financial institutions noticed a particularly large gap in the market, in regards to clientele looking for surgery finance. This is how Cosmetic surgery financing institutions began. Today it is a booming market, with countless institutions throughout the world assisting patients in realizing their dreams.

South Africa is new to the concept of cosmetic surgery loans. There are currently only a few financial institutions that offer loans of this nature. They are not difficult to locate though, merely Googeling it will produce a short list and from there you can select a loan institute which suits your particular needs. The scary and surprising fact is that once you have given your details to the financial institution for verification purposes, your loan could be approved in under an hour. You have waited your entire life to correct a birth defect or improve your looks and the decision is handed down to you in an hour or less.

These loans are of course, exceptionally expensive. Varying from R6000 [Botox injections] to R40, 000 [Tummy tuck or face lift], these surgeries are thankfully payable over long periods of time, much like a car loan would be. This is why cosmetic surgery loans are so feasible. With a good credit history and a job that pays decently, almost anyone can afford to change their appearance. Approved loans are also paid directly to the surgeon and related professionals connected to your surgery. All you would need to worry about is safely recovering from your cosmetic procedure.

Plastic surgery is very rarely (if ever considered by current medical aids). If it is life threatening and an absolute medical requirement, such as a deviated septum or facial burn scars, medical aid might consider it. This is why cosmetic surgery loans are such unbelievable sources of happiness for those who could never in their wildest dreams afford them. If you are considering plastic surgery, yet cannot afford it then this is the best option for you. If you are turned down, don't despair. Work on your inner beauty, it is just as hard to obtain.


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