
Are Supplements Really Necessary?

By: Gregory Shyne

Almost everywhere you look there are tons of advertisements thrown at you promoting all kinds of supplements that "guarantee" outstanding results in a ridiculously short period of time... and most of the time, they are extremely convincing! Which is why the fitness/bodybuilding industry is a multibillion dollar industry... there are millions on people who are desperate to see "immediate" results and will pay or do almost anything (except actually put in the hard work) to get it. These people are very misinformed when it comes knowing what it takes to build muscle, etc. Therefore, they are easy targets when the next "new and improved" product hits the market. (By the way, if something is "new" why on earth does it already need to be "improved"? Think about it...)

At the end of the day the results are the same... you haven't seen any of the results you were promised by the promoters of the supplements and you have just flushed your money down the toilet (again). Then what happens? You see the next "new and improved" supplement being marketed that promises to deliver even greater results! The cycle starts all over again... You ever noticed how most of the products are created by the same company that sold you the other products that did not work? Think about it... it is a never ending cycle of lies!

So the big question of the day is... are supplements really necessary for building muscle? The simple answer is no. Supplements are not at all necessary when is comes to building muscle. You can get everything your body needs to build muscle and stay healthy by simply eating properly! Supplements are just that! Supplements, not replacements! They can not do any more or less than a properly planned diet!

Are supplements useful? Again the simple answer is yes. There are some supplements that are actually proven to actually be beneficial to the muscle building process. However, they do not replace anything in your regular diet. They only make things a little easier, meaning you would not have to eat as much. So I repeat, supplements only add to the nutrients that your body already gets through proper eating habits.

Which supplements are worth a try? There are only three different types of supplements that I would invest in if you are interested in giving them a try. These supplements are whey protein, creatine, and glutamine. That's it! These are the only supplements that would be beneficial to your muscle building process. But I repeat again, they are only "supplements"! They not meant to replace your diet! They just make things a little easier for you.

Best Wishes,
Greg Shyne

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Sinus Problems - How to Treat Effectively

By: Carla San Gaspar

Sinus problems (more known as sinusitis) are experienced by millions of people all around the world. In the United States alone, 40 to 50 million people are being affected each year, making sinusitis one of the most frequently diagnosed chronic conditions.

Because of it being a chronic condition, many research and findings have been done to help ease sinusitis.

You can turn to home remedies - these are common solutions to sinusitis:

• The eucalyptus steam inhalation is one of the most often applied remedies. Humidity is the key to keep the sinuses and nasal cavities in good, working condition. The inhalation of steam keeps the moist in the sinuses and cavities at the normal level, thus helping the infected person breathe easily. It also has a calming effect that induces much-needed sleep and rest to the person. The eucalyptus somehow melts the hard mucus, and the steam helps in the elimination of the mucus. You can do this twice up to four times a day for faster relief and decongestion.

• Drinking extra liquids, both warm and cold, throughout the day thins out the mucus and keeps it flowing. Water also helps in flushing out bacteria in your body. With the popularity of teas, many people sip these instead of water for added flavor.

Natural methods in treating sinusitis are known to be cost-effective and easy to do:

• Light exercise can bring blessed relief because it releases adrenaline, which constricts the blood vessels, thereby possibly reducing swelling in the sinuses. Of course, if too much activity stresses you out, you can opt to just remaining rested and getting ample sleep.

• Rubbing the areas near your sore sinuses brings a fresh supply of blood to the areas, providing soothing relief. To do this, press your thumbs firmly on both sides of your nose and hold for 15 to 30 seconds then repeat.

• Knowing your allergies and keeping away from them would be the foremost way to avoid sinus problems caused by allergens. As it is often said, prevention would always be better than having to resort to a cure.

Most people use nasal sprays to ease congestion. But actually, a good alternative to nasal sprays would be a saline nasal rinse. An effective nasal rinse would significantly reduce or permanently cure the symptoms of nasal allergies and sinus disease.

Certain treatment medications for sinus problems can also be prescribed by most doctors:

• Over-the-counter decongestants and antihistamines are common for relieving sinus symptoms.

• Be aware, bacterial sinusitis can be cured by antibiotics, while fungal or viral sinusitis cannot be cured by antibiotics.

• If patients do not improve after undergoing the normal treatments, doctors may require sinus surgery. This is the most aggressive treatment of all. Nasal evaluation is widely-used to assess the current condition of patients with recurring sinus problems. The surgery procedure would depend on the nasal evaluation results. The recovery care after surgery is very important as this would ensure that your sinus problems are resolved for good.

More treatments on Sinus Problems can be found at Sinusitis - Sinus Dynamics


Cure For High Blood Pressure - 5 Tips to Living a Healthy Life

By: Alvin Hopkinson

Medical scientists continue to research in order to establish the ultimate cure for high blood pressure. Because the disease is potentially life- threatening, it is recommended that you get your blood pressure checked regularly. If hypertension, also referred to as the 'silent killer,' is left untreated, it will increase the risk for heart disease, kidney disease and stroke. An astonishing one 1 of 3 Americans suffer with high blood pressure.

Although no specific cure for high blood pressure has been discovered, the medical care providers recommend ways to prevent and control the disease. Research indicates that these prevention methods have been successful in that they have alleviated the onset of or controlled the progression of high blood pressure in patients allowing them to live healthier lives. Ironically, the factors that contribute to high blood pressure are often evident which suggest that the patient has the ability to reverse the effects that it can have on the body.

The most effective way to prevent and control high blood pressure is to adopt healthy lifestyle habits. Any one person who suffers with high blood pressure or is at high risk of developing it can benefit from living a healthier life. More so, high blood pressure-lowering methods decreases the risk of additional complications. By incorporating this list of healthy habits into your daily routine, it will help keep your blood pressure levels in control.

Adopting a healthy eating plan:
Consider implementing the DASH Diet Action Plan which lowers cholesterol, improves glucose control and overall health.

Lose weight if you are overweight or obese:
Eat less food that is high in calories and fatty acids. Reduce sodium (salt) in your diet. Concentrate on eating foods that are natural such as fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. Increase water intake.

Implement daily physical activity and exercise:
The American Heart Association suggests aerobic exercise.

Limit Alcohol consumption

Quit smoking

Lifestyle changes are extremely important and effective for the overall health. However, this is not sufficient for certain groups of people. In some cases, genetic predisposition calls for other precautions.

Finding a cure for high blood pressure in regards to this group of patients may prove more stringent. In addition to the lifestyle modifications; that has actually proven to significantly lower blood pressure, some patients may also require treatment such as hypertensive medications. Medication has not proven to cure the disease, yet it has certainly been effective.

Alvin Hopkinson is a leading and avid researcher of various high blood pressure treatments. He runs a content-packed website that provides free tips to lower your hypertension and unbiased reviews on common blood pressure medications. Grab your FREE report on how to lower blood pressure naturally and visit his site at minusbloodpressure.com


Diets to Lose Weight Fast? - The Best Weight Loss Diets Exposed

By: Rashon Wells

You have heard all the hype about the best diets to lose weight fast. Here we will compare a couple of the most talked about diets on the market then show you the best of the best.

First up we have the South Beach diet, a known cardiologist developed this diet for his patients to address heart issues. A side effect of the diet was extreme weight loss. The diet calls for an all out ban on most carbohydrates in the first stage. Banned foods would include bread, fruit, sugar, milk, potatoes, rice, and alcohol. Basically, most of the food you eat or drink. As a result, this first stage is the hardest to maintain because not only do you have to exert tremendous will power but also you are doing it while not getting the proper nutrition. In addition to no vitamins and minerals from fruit and dairy and a drastic reduction in sugar.

Next up is the Atkins diet, this is another of the low carbohydrate diets to lose weight fast. The idea was that carbohydrates caused weight gain through increased sugar in the blood and therefore increased insulin production, which forced the sugars into the cells. Therefore, if you cut the carbohydrates then weight gain ceases and weight loss begins. The down side to this is the body also loses muscle and begins to release ketones. These lead to a variety of problems such as headaches, dehydration, and dizziness and over the long-term bone density loss.

A lot of people may think that these are good diets to lose weight fast but neither of these diets are healthy or highly sustainable. What if there were a diet that provided healthy quantities and diversity of food, sufficient nutrients, and was made with foods you already eat? Plus give you an average weight loss of 6-11 pounds every eleven days, and all this while allowing you three cheat days in which you eat whatever you like?

Fat loss 4 Idiots is just such a plan. The key is balance and common sense, depriving yourself totally of any one food group or food item is really not sustainable for any length of time.

If you want a diet that consists of the types of food you like to eat in a way that sponsors weight loss and muscle retention visit this website: Fat Loss 4 Idiots


Get Smaller Boobs

By: Jennifer Jolan

Here's how to get smaller boobs NATURALLY and for FREE. If you're overweight and want to firm and reduce the size of your breasts that are too large and flabby, then READ THIS NOW.

How to Get Smaller Boobs

1. "Dispersion"

Before I continue I want to be upfront with you. I don't consider myself "all-knowing" when it comes to boobs. I do a lot of health related research and come across a lot of information. Most of it's boring and useless. But this DISPERSION technique caught my eye and I thought it'd be useful to you because I'm totally against cosmetic surgeries because I feel you can get the same results naturally.

Dispersion is a technique of using your hands to rub circles across your breasts.

Now, there is something called "Stimulation" that is similar, but it increases the size of the breasts by using the opposite motion. So to be clear, there is a specific motion you need to follow to reduce and firm your breasts.

What you do is put your hands on the lower inside part of your breasts between your nipples. Now rub circles upwards and out then down along the outter part of your boobs. Then under and between and over the nipples again.

Do this for 200 circles. This will take you about 3 and a half minutes. A circle every second... about. Do this twice a day... once in the morning and once at night.

From my research it didn't say how long it would take to reduce a cup size, but it did say you should notice results within 3 weeks. Does this truly work? I honestly don't know but I wanted to share the information with you and let you be the judge for yourself.

2. Pushups

Your breasts are FAT CLUMPS. That's what they are. Muscle is more compact. If you were to create more muscles in your chest, it would get smaller, firmer, and more compact. Pushups are an easy way to go about this.

An easy way to do this is to simply do 20 pushups a day, EVERYDAY. You don't have to do them all at once. If you can only do 5, then do 5 at a time. If you need to start with your knees on the ground, do it. If possible, build up to 40 pushups a day. Within weeks of doing this, your chest should be firmer and smaller.

There you go. Those are 2 ways on how to get smaller boobs.

If you're SICK and TIRED of getting the same old boring weight loss advice... you know, like "Eat more fruits and vegetables, drink 8 glasses of water, jog, and Blah Blah Blah", then...

Click http://www.weightlossguide4women.com to get your FREE EBOOK "How SPINNING Around Like a Child TRIPLES your Weight Loss". A strange, but true, way to LOSE 10 Pounds in 2 Weeks. I'm giving away this ebook today and tomorrow ONLY to anyone who visits my website! So get it before tomorrow night.

If you're truly serious about losing weight, then go to the link below to get your free ebook now. If you don't Lose 10 Pounds... I'd be QUITE surprised! http://www.weightlossguide4women.com

Jennifer Jolan


Getting Rid of Vaginal Smells Naturally - Tips For Women

By: Gillian Reynolds

Getting rid of vaginal smells in a natural way is something many women want to know more about. When you are experiencing an odor it's disruptive. Not only does it make you self conscious around other people but it can put a very quick halt to your intimate life. If you are suffering with an odor that just isn't pleasant, there are things you can do that will help solve the problem naturally.

One approach that many women take for getting rid of vaginal smells is to change the soap they are using. As women we often opt for the soaps and cleansers that are heavily scented. The problem with these products is that the chemicals they use to create the fragrance can actually irritate your vaginal area causing the odor to become even worse. Another problem is that some of these scents just don't mix well with a woman's natural scent and the result is even more offensive.

Perspiring can also be a contributing factor to strong odors. If you are a fan of pretty, silk or satin panties they may actually be playing a part in your personal scent. Getting rid of vaginal smells naturally can be done by only wearing cotton panties. Cotton is a breathable fabric and as such you'll find that you sweat a lot less when wearing them. This can really make a difference in the odor, so invest in some new cotton panties as soon as possible. In addition, ensure you wash them in a mild detergent that isn't scented. This can help eliminate vaginal odors too.

Unpleasant vaginal smell is a problem that plagues countless women and can reoccur every few months. There are effective treatments for the condition that don't just mask the odor, they actually treat the problem and eliminate it. If you are tired of feeling self conscious and if you shy away from others because of your bad vaginal odor learn more about what you can do to fix the problem, from this informative site!

You don't have to be self conscious of your vaginal odor anymore. If it's interfering in your life and making it difficult for you to feel comfortable in intimate situations, there is help You can rid yourself of unpleasant vaginal odor today.


3 Most Effective Eye Exercises That Improve Eyesight

By: Andrei Petunin

Okay, they are not so much eye exercises, but techniques that are, in my personal experience (since I've restored my vision), as well as others, most effective of all. 2 of them are geared towards relaxing our eye muscles, while the third one improves out vision, through stretching it. So, let's get into it.

You may have heard of this one, it's been given a name "Sunning" (by Dr. W. H. Bates, a New York (U.S.A.) ophthalmologist), and you may have even done it before, but do you know how to do it in the most effective and safe way? Safety is quite important throughout all exercises, and especially this one, because doing things wrong may cause things that range from a slight delay in your improvement, to a fairly sever eye problem. Sunning, as you've probably already guessed, involves the sun, and you may have heard all oculists and doctors out there all in one throat telling us that sun is bad for our eyes, that it damages them, etc. etc. Well, although this is true, sun actually has a very powerful healing effect that helps us to get a better vision. That is why we need to take care when doing Sunning.

Here's what we do. First of, we fully relax our eye muscles, while doing Sunning. This should, preferably, be done outside, or at least next to a window. Now, you should only do Sunning during an early sunrise or a late sunset, or else you are risking of getting yourself eye floaters, that will, eventually form a Cataract. If you don't have sun near by, then you may use a light, 150 watt bulb. It will not be as effective as using the sun, but will still help relax our eye muscles, which is what we want. Another highly recommended thing to do is you should cover one of your eyes with your palm , while Sunning. Make sure to use your palm, and not your fingers, as this not only insures the best cover of sunlight, but also has a healing effect, since our palms emit healing energy. Now, sit down on a chair, facing the light,, cover one eye, and spin your head like a pendulum, form one side to the other. Do not focus your vision on anything, just swing your head from right to left, and vice-versa. Do this for 2 minutes or less, and then do the same with the other eye.

Second exercise is called "Palming". Palming should always be done after Sunning, in order to reinforce relaxation. Palming is a harmless exercises, in that you cannot over-do it, even if you sit at it continuously for hours (although that is not recommended). There were, apparently, a few people in Dr. Bates's practice that were going almost blind with their vision, and after sitting, doing palming for 20 hours continuously were able to fully regain their vision (i.e. they saw the last line of the eyesight test from 20 feet away). Palming is also geared towards eye muscle relaxation. To start with, rub your hands vigorously against one another until they are warn. Then put them one on another in a cross, and cover your face so that the centre of your palms rest exactly on your eyes. Try to eliminate all light, and close your eyes. The minimum you should spend at this stance is 5 minutes, and, for the best effect, it is recommended to spend 10. After you're done, put your hands down while keeping our eyes closed, then inhale deeply, for supply of fresh oxygen to our lungs also relaxes our body, therefor our eye muscles, and open your eyes slowly. You will then, depending on how well you've relaxed, see better than before.

A couple more tips, when seeing, do so without an effort. Every effort on your part causes tension, therefor bad eyesight. When palming, don't stare, instead, think of something nice. This is quite important because closing our eyes doesn't automatically guarantee relaxation - our eyes can still stare, therefor are as tensed as they wear when your eyes were open. This is also true for when we sleep. When we close our eyes just before we switch off into The Never-Land, we need to make sure that our eye muscles are not tensed, or else we'll most definitely have tensed eyes throughout our whole sleeping period, which, kind of, defeats the point of rest, altogether.

Now, this last exercises helped me improve my vision from almost -5 both eyes (deteriorating fast), to literally an eagle vision now. I've never seen so well before in my whole life, and I'm forever grateful for that! So pay attention. What you do here is you stretch your vision. If you are "hyperopic" (or long-sighted), then you push it closer. It's as simple as that. That technique (if you can call it that!) alone will happily improve and even restore your eyesight, proving you do it well. Unfortunately what I found is that when I stretched my vision while I was just walking down the street, it did little good... So here's what worked for me: as I sat in our University library, with fairly dim lighting (normal lighting during the day), and I looked outside a window that was roughly 25 meters away from where I was sitting. But I didn't just look, instead, I had forced (to start with, until I could do it via other techniques, like through controlling my mood &, eventually, by simply blinking in a certain way), then, when I got the desired flash of good vision, I kept that good vision for as long as I possibly could. It lasted for a second or two at the start, but then quickly started to last longer and longer, until, eventually (literally over a week, from that point) my vision had returned to perfect (pre my 13 year old age, which was ten years ago, and that's the time when I was first equipped with my first ever, and so much hated thereafter, vision aid!).

What you should look for in this last exercise is a place where you can most easily keep that flash of good vision for longer. For me, this place just happened to be our University Library. A very important point to remember is when you get this good vision, you keep it while you're fully relaxed, or else it'll not be as effective (if effective at all), You will possibly experience discomfort and even a slight pain in your eyes, like I did. This is good, because it means that your eye muscles are stretching. You will see a significant improvement in your vision after this exercise.

It's all so simple, it's even a little disgusting (mostly because we are not told this by anyone), and yet it is so powerful that it may make your knickers wet... (brrr, an extremely unpleasant experience, always have a spare with you. - just kidding!)

Please discuss this article on my blog, it would be nice to hear some feedback, and get a discussion started on my new forum that would help that will greatly benefit yourself, as well as the community.

Andrei Has had a Myopia Of Almost -5, And Now "Has Fully Restored His Vision". On His Blog At http://CureYourEyes.com/blog, Andrei Shares The Techniques He Used To Naturally Cure His Eyes, No Drugs, Just Simple Eye Exercises, And He Offers His Helping Hand To Those Who Purchase His Course And Decide To Forget Their Glasses For Good: "I'll Personally Work With You, Until You Fully Restore Your Vision To 20/20, Or Better".


Colon Cleansing Naturally - Tips and Techniques

By: Dr. Eswararamanan VR

Colon cleansing naturally is not a difficult task to try. Our colon is a part of the digestive system, and its primary function is the storing of solid waste. As food passes through the digestive system, water and nutrients are absorbed. By the time it reaches the colon most of the water has been removed and what is left is mixed with bacteria and mucus rendering it feces. The feces is then broken down even more providing certain nutrients to the colon lining before being pushed along and out of the body. All these different functions are necessary for maintaining electrolyte and fluid balance as well as removing toxins from the body.

Over the years, the colon can become impacted or blocked through poor eating habits and environmental influences. When this happens, toxins that should be removed can spread through the body causing a variety of illnesses. These illnesses range from chronic constipation to fatigue. Substances like sugar, hydrogenated fat, white flour and deep fried foods all play a part in blocking the colon. To remove these blockages and restore proper colon function many times we need a colon cleanse.

A colon cleanse uses natural herbs along with increased fluid to flush the colon thereby removing harmful build-ups. This can be accomplished in different ways. Some people like to do regular colon cleanses and others prefer to add colon cleansing foods and additives to their diet permanently. The latter group may still do an overall cleanse periodically.

In order to really keep our colons functioning optimally, we can make small changes in overall diet. In order to function as it was intended the colon needs a good supply of fiber and water. The optimum amount of fiber to add to the diet immediately is 25-30 grams per day of soluble fiber. This fiber is dissolvable in water or our food.

Next on the list of colon, cleansing properties is good ole plain water. Experts agree that the human body requires large amounts of water to function properly and the colon is no exception to this rule. A good rule of thumb for water intake as it pertains to a healthy colon is half of your body weight in liters of water per day. Translation: if you weigh 200 pounds then you would need to consume 100 liters of water per day. Not only will this stimulate the natural peristaltic action of the colon it will also flush the toxins from the kidneys kind of a two for one situation.

Natural colon cleanse recipe also includes colon-cleansing herbs and supplements that you can buy in order to do a fast cleanse. This is a good idea at first while you are waiting for the dietary changes to take effect and restore proper colon function. These mild herbal remedies will remove built up toxins and fecal matter as well as any parasites you may have. This will put you on an accelerated path to a healthy colon and a healthier you.

Discover more about: Colon Cleanse Diet and Colon Cleansing At Home at my dedicated Colon Cleansing Tips Blog.

Dr. Eswararamanan VR is the author of this article. This article can be used for reprint provided all the links and content should not be changed.


Prostate Cancer - Are You At Risk?

By: Steff Lim

Prostate cancer is a disease in which malignant (cancer) cells form in the tissues of the prostate. Prostate cancer is the condition in which cells of the prostate reproduce more rapidly than in normal prostate, creating swelling or a tumour. It is not the same thing as Benign Prostate Hyperplasia (BPH) or Prostatitis and having one of these disease won't lead to prostate cancer.

Prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in men after lung cancer and is the most commonly diagnosed cancer among American men. Prostate cancer is also the most common non-skin cancer in men. affecting about one in six men in the United States. In The UK, the risk of being diagnosed with prostate cancer is 1 in every 14 person.

In other parts of the world, notably Asia, Africa and Latin America, prostate cancer is rare. The exact cause of prostate cancer is unclear but for some reason, the incidence of prostate cancer is higher in African Americans (about twice that of white men), and lowest in Asian men. The cause of prostate cancer is unknown, although some studies have shown a relationship between high dietary fat intake and increased testosterone levels.

Apart from etnic background, family history of prostate cancer also increase a person's chance of having prostate cancer. A man's risk for developing prostate cancer is higher if his father or brother has had the disease. For that reason, testing is essential from when men turn 50 years of age and even 40 years of age if prostate cancer is prevalent in the family.

However, the main cause of prostate cancer is probably age. Prostate cancer is most often diagnosed in men 65 and older, although younger men can be diagnosed with it as well. Prostate cancer is largely a disease of older men and is rare below the age of 50.

Prostate cancer is typically a very slow growingtumor, often causing no symptoms until advanced stages. It is often known as a silent killer because it often lacks symptoms, so annual screening tests are recommended. If prostate cancer is caught early and before it has spread to other parts of the body, it can often be treated successfully.

The prostate-specific antigen (PSA) blood test performed in conjunction with digital rectal exam (DRE) will usually show reliable indication of prostate cancer, especially when free PSA reading in taken into consideration. If the result suggest that you might have prostate cancer, your doctor will do a prostate biopsy to find out if the disease is present.

Biopsy is a highly accurate way to tell if prostate cancer is present, provided targeting of cancer suspected cancer location is spot-on. Once a prostate cancer is diagnosed on a biopsy, additional tests are done to assess whether the cancer has spread beyond the gland.

http://www.ProstateCancerTreatmentNow.com empower prostate cancer patients and their family with informative articles and videos on diagnosis, treatments, side effects and other prostate health-related issues. Learning more about prostate cancer save lives.


5 Tips to Help You Meditate

By: Jay Franco

Meditation has been proven to have significant benefits. Regular meditation can help you reduce stress, sleep better, and be more spiritually aware. Some people find it hard to start a regular meditation practice though because most people are running around busily all day long and don't usually take time to sit down and relax. But if you really want to improve your health and manage your stress you need to make it a priority to start meditating regularly. These tips can help you make meditation a regular part of your life:

1. Schedule a time to meditate - If you tell yourself that you will get around to meditating after the kids are in bed or that you'll get up early and meditate before work chances are good that you won't actually do it. You need to schedule a time to meditate the same way that you would schedule a doctor's appointment or other commitment. You are making a commitment to yourself and your health. So set aside a block of time, even if it's just 15 minutes, during the day when you can meditate.

2. Go slowly - When you're used to running around all the time and not used to sitting still and quieting your mind and body it can be difficult to do. So don't force yourself to meditate for long periods of time at the beginning of your meditation practice. Start by just closing you eyes and breathing deeply for a minute or two. Then go to five minutes. Then try 10 minutes. Build up the amount of time that you meditate slowly and let your body get used it.

3. Let go of your conscious thoughts - When you are trying to meditate and you find yourself thinking about all the tasks you have left to do that day or wondering if you remembered to pay the phone bill don't focus on those thoughts. Take a deep breath and just let them go. If you start focusing on those thoughts instead of meditating you will break your concentration.

4. Create a special place to meditate - This can be something as elaborate as an entire room set aside just for meditation or it can be as simple as a special shelf in a closet holding a special candle that you sit in front of. No matter how little space you think you have you can carve out a little niche for yourself that will be your special place to relax.

5. Use props to help you meditate - You can't force yourself to sit and relax, but you can use props that will help you relax and mediate. Buy a special scented candle that you burn only during meditation. Light some incense. Buy a plant that you love and keep it in your meditation space. Turn on some music that you find very soothing and relaxing.

Jay Franco has been a Yoga enthusiast since an early age. He is constantly trying to find practical ways of implementing this ancient knowledge into his Western lifestyle. His website is: http://www.yogascienceofbreath.com

Getting Rid of Belly Fat Permanently

By: Vijay Kanan

Ladies: That size 3 body is still inside you, and you can get it back again.

Guys: Get down to your old 34-inch waist again, and have trim abs like you used to.

Getting started...

It doesn't take a genius to figure out that if you don't have the body you want, then whatever you are doing isn't working for you. Even if you are looking for the right strategies, you almost have to be a scientist to wade through mountains of information on diets, exercise, supplements, machines, etc., to find out what works based on real science. That's where I come in. I know what the scientific literature says about the causes of excess fat and what works to get rid of it and keep it from ever coming back. You will be amazed at how simple this can be.

First a few surprises...

Overweight masks the true problem, which is: OVERFAT. You do not have too much bone, muscle, water, cartilage, or any other component of your body. You simply have too much fat. (Maybe that's no surprise!) Look at it this way: if you weigh 250 pounds and have 38% body fat, on the moon you would weigh 42 pounds and STILL have 38% body fat.

Overfat does not happen from a lack of willpower. It is the result of a hormone imbalance. The hormone is not testosterone or estrogen, although your levels of these sex hormones can certainly influence and be influenced by excess body fat.

Long-lasting and healthy fat loss occurs only when this imbalance is corrected. Doing what it takes to control the main hormones that attract fat will set you on the right course for a slimmer body. You can get this started immediately.

Low-calorie dieting can trigger fat GAIN. You must eat more to burn fat. When you eat and what you eat are more important than how much you eat. Overeating is, of course, not the answer. Many so-called "health foods" are actually cleverly disguised junk foods that can actually stimulate you to gain more belly fat ... you've got to be able to tell what's good and what's bad.

Strenuous exercise can make you fatter. Just the opposite of what you thought. Optimizing fat burning exercise depends on only three keys, and you have to pay attention to all of them to get the results that you want. Ab exercises such as crunches, sit-ups, and most ab machines are actually the LEAST effective method of getting flat, six-pack abs.

Eat fat to burn fat. The right fats can be your friend. In fact, the right dietary fats are essential to every aspect of good health. You absolutely must have these fats or your body will degenerate into an unhealthy, painful, blob of goo.

Now here is the real kicker that your doctor probably doesn't know about fat...

Abdominal fat, that stuff around your belly (and often on your thighs and upper arms), acts as a separate organ that controls its own fate by the action of a fat-regulating hormone called leptin.

This is the single most important scientific breakthrough about fat since the beginning of our current obesity epidemic. Leptin has come a long way since its discovery in 1994 by Dr. Jeffrey M. Friedman and colleagues at the Rockefeller University. Some scientists now believe that leptin is the most powerful hormone in our body.

How to power up your fat-burning hormone

Leptin production and action respond to several factors, including age, eating pattern (meaning when you eat, how much eat, and what you eat), fitness level, stress level and quality of sleep, and total inflammation load. What this means is that optimal leptin function happens by addressing these all of these factors. There is no single Silver Bullet that does everything. Indeed, a comprehensive approach to fat burning supplements alone entails four different herbal formulas plus a mineral formula, as follows:

Boosting metabolism to keep burning calories faster

Controlling appetite and spikes in blood sugar and insulin levels

Eating the right fats in the right amount on a daily basis

Reducing stress and getting good, plentiful sleep

Supercharge your body's main energy furnace by reversing a key mineral deficiency



Top Tips For Successful Detoxing

By: Denise Mcken

1. In order to flush your kidneys, squeeze some lemon juice into a glass of warm water in the morning and drink. To get the most nutrients from the lemon, try buying organic.

2. If you don't already, drink around 2 litres of water per day to help flush out any toxins being released even quicker.

3. Increase your fruit and veg intake. Make sure you eat different types of fruit and veg each day as eating 3 apples or 2 oranges, for example, still only counts as one fruit.

4. Cut down on the amount of fat and salt in foods you consume and cut out foods with added sugar - you will be eating natural sugar in the fruit you eat. Also, cut out alcohol and caffeine although if you are one of those people who have a lot of caffeine each day, it would be best to cut down in gradual steps prior to starting a detox program to avoid withdrawal symptoms.

5. If you think you'll be hungry by trying to survive on juices for the duration of your detox (as some people do), eating smaller meals more often will help you to keep going. A nice and simple tip for you is to eat from a smaller sized plate. Using a larger plate only encourages you to fill it up and potentially eat more than you need to in one sitting. That said, if you can manage to substitute at least one meal with a juice, preferably freshly made, this will benefit you greatly.

6. You can get all the protein you need in your diet by eating tofu, beans and pulses and raw unsalted nuts (if you don't have an allergy). It is best to avoid meat and fish at this particular time but If you intend to continue eating them, choose the lean varieties, again preferably organic as these will not contain chemicals etc....

7. It may be wise to let friends and family know of your intention to follow a detox program to stop them from (unintentionally) offering the very things you will be trying to cut back on or cut out completely.

8. Buying everything you need in advance (breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks etc...) for the duration of your detox will help you to be well prepared no matter where you are and stop you from wanting to buy something not very healthy should you be caught out with a major hunger pang and in need of a quick fix. The best snack to have is fruit, raw nuts and seeds.

9. DO NOT follow a detox program if you are pregnant, breast feeding, receiving medical attention or on any kind of medication. If you have any other concerns or doubts, consult your doctor. Follow these simple tips and you will find the whole detox process becomes a lot easier!

For the most easiest and safest way to detox or for extra help during the detox process CLICK HERE


7 Insomnia Tips - Use These Tips to Fall Asleep Faster

By: Sean Saunders

Searching for tips to fall asleep faster? Well, you're not alone there. The truth is that millions upon millions of people suffer from sleeping problems, all of whom want nothing more than to just get a good nights rest. Luckily, by following these few insomnia tips, any insomnia sufferer can do just that!

Tips To Fall Asleep...

1. Avoid Caffeine: Caffeine is a stimulant that keeps your body going, even if you want it to slow down so that you can get some sleep. Be sure to ingest NO caffeine before going to bed.

2. No More Alcohol or Tobacco: Studies show that alcohol and tobacco abuse upset a person's natural sleeping rhythm. Having said that, stop smoking and drinking during the day if you want to sleep better at night.

3. Sleep in a firm bed. A soft, squishy bed may feel comfortable and nice, but a firm bed is the best choice for sleeping. A firm bed will give your body the support it needs so that you can fall asleep faster.

4. Make a sleeping routine. Of all the tips to fall asleep faster, this is one of the most important. By going to bed the same time each night, your body will be able to program itself to know precisely when "bed time" comes a'knockin.

5. Bed equals sleep. You need to program your body to know that the bed means sleep; not working, not TV watching, not day planning, and not book reading. If your body & mind connects bed with sleep, you won't have any trouble getting a good nights rest.

6. Don't sleep in. Sleeping in, no matter how much you want to, will throw your bed time schedule completely out-of-whack. Even if it's the weekend, make it a goal to get up at the same time each day.

7. Warm Milk and a Bath. Have a class of warm milk and take a warm bath 20-30 minutes before bed. The bath will relax you, while the warm milk will sooth jagged nerves, thereby relaxing you even further. It's a highly effective relaxation combo, so use it whenever you really need a good night's rest.

Will these 7 tips to fall asleep faster cure your sleeping disorder? Maybe, maybe not; but one thing is for sure, you're not going to find out unless you try them!

For more great tips to fall asleep and to discover if you're suffering from the common sleeping disorder known as insomnia, try visiting http://www.SleepTracks.org, a highly popular website that specializes in the treatment of insomnia and sleeping disorders.


5 Tips For Parents to Deal With Obesity in Kids

By: Austin Odeon

Obesity and overweight can be a major problem in kids if not dealt with in time. It imposes both physical and psychological stress on little kids, they do not feel comfortable in the mist of their peers or mates. Obese kids usually dread the company of their mates especially at schools with all the teasing and funny names calling ,probing eyes focusing on them, it can sometimes be so embarrassing to kids, and as a result they may feel inferior and lose their self esteem with social stigmatization, occasionally with a sense of discrimination. This can be telling on kids.

Parents of obese kids should be sensitive to their wards behaviors and urgently take steps to correct any abnormality. It can sometimes be difficult for parents to deal with their kids obesity problems, lets face it, you cannot just start controlling your kids regulating what they should or should not eat, if you do not use the proper approach, they may revolt and protest thinking that he or she is being maltreated. The situation must be handle with diplomacy. So how can a parent deal with this situation?

The first step is to get involved. The major cause of obesity in kids apart from genetic inheritance is lack of physical exercise and excessive consumption of unhealthy foods and drinks, pizzas, burgers, hot dogs, French fries, ice cream, chocolate, etc are all contributing factors. Parents must first rid their kitchens and refrigerators of any fast foods aka junk foods, microwave and processed foods should be things of the past. Every member of the family must be part of a new eating habits, select recipes and cooking methods such as baking, roasting or steaming. Replace deep frying with grilling, make better food selection whenever you go shopping take time to read details of ingredients and other information in the packets especially for new products you are not used to. In this article, I will discuss 5 basic tips that can help parents deal with obesity in their kids.

1. Parents should discourage over eating, controlling portions and sizes should be part of the new eating habit. serve food in reasonable portions, if a kid ask for more, he/she should be served just a little. Use you sense of judgment and No! don't encourage kids to eat leftovers to avoid food wastage, food remnant should be preserved.

2. Encourage outside activities, if you can make a time table for kids to play outside in the play grounds and sometimes go on a walk as a form of light exercise.

3. Discourage the consumption of surgery beverages like soda, processed fruit juices in general try to avoid high calorie drinks. Encourage drinking of water.

4. Fix a time table for watching TV and playing computer games. Parents should not accept eating and watching TV or playing games on the computer at the same time.

5. Monitor your kids school lunches, bag packs should include food rich in fiber, protein, fruits and vegetable must be added. Sugary drinks should be discouraged.

In conclusion, parents who truly want to deal with their kids obesity problem should understand that kids must never be forced to do any things against their wish when it comes to controlling their eating habits, moral suasion should be applied and praises should be given whenever kids do the things you asked them for especially when they obey without any stress, however, try not to reward obedience with food. There are variety of different food diet combination you can choose from to help your kids deal with obesity.

If you want to discover over 40,000 diets combination to choose from and still make your kids lose weight. You can go to: Strip That Fat


7 Tips to Overcome Depression

By: Ann Ricks

If you are struggling to overcome depression, know that you are not alone in your struggle. In fact, at any moment there are millions of others living with this mood disorder. Thousands of researchers have spent millions of dollars conducting studies that have shown what does and doesn't work to alleviate depression.

Some of these studies have supported the traditional therapy regimen consisting of prescription antidepressants and psychological counseling. Other more recent studies have shown that a large number of people have participated in traditional therapy but found no relief for their mood disorders. This is because many stop taking antidepressants due to the unpleasant side effects.

Experts are now coming around to the fact that there are alternative remedies that have helped many find relief from depressive symptoms. These range from herbal remedies, supplements, acupuncture, massage therapy, talk therapy, and many others.

Everyone is different and what works for one person might not work for another, but for every depressed person there is a remedy or treatment that can overcome depression. The following are a few tips to help anyone who is struggling to overcome depression:

Talk to someone
. Many people tend to withdraw when they become depressed, but this is the time when you need to be with other people the most. Find a supportive person to talk to and express your feelings, as keeping all your feelings bottled up inside can cause them to fester and make you feel worse.

Get Started Taking Supplements
. Many experts believe depression is caused from a chemical imbalance in the brain, and this can be brought on by a lack of proper nutrition. Taking supplements can give the brain a kick start to better chemistry and make you feel better.

Eat a Proper Diet
. When we are depressed or anxious, it is hard to resist reaching for processed foods high in sugar and fat. The best way to counter the urges is to keep healthy food around at all times, including fresh fruits, vegetables, and protein. Eating a proper diet will give your body the nutrition it needs for good brain chemistry.

Walk 30 Minutes a Day
. Studies have proven that walking just 30 minutes a day can be just as effective in alleviating depression as taking antidepressants. In fact, some mental health experts are now incorporating the exercise of walking into their treatment regimen. Walking for 30 minutes can give an immediate lift in mood, so if you are seeking immediate results, this is a good exercise.

Spend Time Outdoors
. Depressed individuals often find it difficult to get outside and leave the safe haven of home. Once they are outside, however, they usually start feeling better. We are intended to walk among nature, and doing so can give an immediate surge in feeling good. Just sitting outside for a while and listening to the sounds of nature can give positive results.

Practice Meditation
. This has been found to alleviate all manner of disorders in people, including mood disorders. Practice meditating at least several times a week, and see how much better you feel.

Do Something You Enjoy Every Day
. It's easy to get in the habit of rushing here and there, doing for others, and never taking the time to do the things we enjoy. But this is important for your emotional well being. You must first take care of yourself and then you'll be better able to care for others. Find some time every day to do something enjoyable, whether it is reading a book, going to the gym, or watching a movie.

Try these 7 tips to overcome depression, and watch your mood lift naturally.

To learn more about how to cure depression, go to Quick Depression Cures


How Fruit Regulates Blood Sugar

By Brad Chase

Every diabetes patient is different and because of this no change to diet should be made without consulting your doctor. Before making any changes to what you eat, talk to your doctor and take their advice on how you should regulate your diet. Diabetes is a serious disease and you should be very aware of everything you can do to keep it in check. Certain foods will help you to control your blood sugar levels and fruits are one of these food groups. Through careful planning, monitoring, and utilizing you can take the fruit food group and turn it from an enemy into a friend. Monitoring what you eat is one of the most important things someone with diabetes does, and this is especially true of the fruit food group.

If you aren't aware of how you can help to control your diabetes using your diet, you can help to control your blood sugar levels by eating certain food groups or certain foods with sugars in them. While it is important to be careful to not overdo it with your sugar filled foods, a food group like fruit can be a valuable asset to be able to eat, especially when you are having a craving for something sweet. Most diabetics can't eat foods like candy, cakes, etc. because it shoots their blood sugar too high. Fruits are an excellent way to taste something enjoyable and sweet like this, without hurting your body.

People with diabetes often feel that because fruits have a lot of natural sugars that they should avoid eating them. This is not in fact true. Just like it is important for people without diabetes to eat fruits, it is equally important that a person with diabetes receive the goodness that fruits can give you. Fruits are full of vitamins, minerals, and many other nutrients that are important for anyone to have in their body.

While you should be careful with eating fruits if you have diabetes, as they will raise your blood sugar, they do not have to be avoided completely if they are eaten in moderation. Diabetics are encouraged to stay away from things like candy because they are empty calories. Fruit on the other hand will offer you something healthy, while still raising your blood sugar (albeit less dramatically).

It is very important that you monitor your blood sugar levels when eating fruits. Different people will react differently to fruits and while it may take one diabetic two servings of fruits to raise their blood sugar too high, it may only take one serving of fruit to another diabetic to push their blood sugar too high.

It is very important when you are monitoring your fruit intake that you be completely honest and very accurate. If you are lying about the size of a serving or not accurately measuring it could cause you serious trouble as you risk running your blood sugar too high or letting it slip too low.

While the large amount of sugar in fruits can be dangerous for diabetics, when eaten in moderation and monitored properly they can be an excellent treat for that sweet tooth.

Visit our website to learn more about Fruit for Diabetes. Progressive Health Inc provides supplements that help replenish nutritional deficiencies caused by various health conditions such as diabetes.


Ways to Protect Eyesight

By Aakash Shah

Today in the technological advanced times everybody is working on computers. Even if you are not in IT business you tend to hamper your eye sight to various environmental and other odd reasons. Children working on computers at home or school as well as the working people in different field need to protect their eyes from any possible problem. Sight is the most important of all the senses as per a recent survey which concludes that a huge percentage of what we perceive through all our senses come from our vision.

There are various eye related diseases and problems which can impair your sight. So, you should take into account all the possible ways to protect your precious eye from any disease or problem. It can be done by following preventive methods as:

1. Intake of vitamins and nutrient rich diet:

Having balanced and nutritious diet full of nutrients and vitamins will solve the purpose and you can have healthy eyes forever. There are some specific nutrients associated with our ocular health essential for our eyes. Today people take into account specialized dietary plans to enhance the ocular health. It has been proved by the scientists that nutritional diet can even reverse the age related eye problems as muscular degeneration and various others as well. You should eat berries, pomegranates and cherries in plenty. Include DHA in your daily dietary plan by consuming cod liver oil.

2. Beware of unhealthy foods:

Fats and oils including trans fatty acids are harmful for your eyes. These can damage blood vessels that supply eyes and brain. See the labels of the food items for harmful hydrogenated oil additions. If present quit the food item. It can be in any form of oil - soy, sunflower, corn, palm etc.

3. Quit all harmful things:

You should give away with all the bad habits as consuming unhealthy food, extra straining of eyes. Practice good habits and prevent your eyes from various eye related problems.

4. Give rest to your eyes:

Short breaks are very essential in-between the vigorous sight work. Close your eyes for a while to preserve them and to get relaxed. Do not strain your eyes with stretched long hours sittings. If you are a regular computer user a 20-20-20 rule would work well for you. This means to focus the eyes for 20 seconds on an object kept 20 feet away every 20 minutes of your sitting at computer.

5. Using flat computer monitor:

If you sit infront of the computer for a very long time you should have a flat panel LCD monitor. This would cause less strain to your eyes hence protecting them from various vision problems.

6. Eye Exercises:

The eye exercises tone up the eye muscles to keep their elasticity intact. With continuous exercising you'll notice a considerable difference in the quality of vision. These will also help in reducing eye strain, headaches and make your eyes feel relaxed and refreshed to resume work. There are several simple eye exercises which can enhance your eye sight in a few months time.

7. Physical Protection:

You should wear sunglasses whenever you move outside in sun to protect your eyes from sun glare, harmful rays, dust and wind. A good pair of sunglasses with UV protection is greatly helpful for your vision.

8. Protection from unhealthy surroundings:

There aren't any ways to fight against air pollution and dust in big cities. But keeping the homes clean can do a lot to save your sight.

9. Computer Glasses:

A good and reliable pair of computer glasses may also relieve you from strained eyes. It may help you see well. But it may be bought after the proper eyesight checkup by a doctor.

10. Posture:

Sitting at a right distance from the screen is also a good preventive measure against strained eyes. To lessen the strain, keep the screen 18 or 28 inches from your eyes and at your eye level.

So, keep your eyes healthy by imparting these easy and helpful methods.

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Vision Correction As a Metaphor For Midlife

By H. Les Brown

Yesterday I went for my biennial eye exam. I had all the drops and the blinding equipment scanning my cornea and retina. I read the charts so often that I had the bottom line memorized by the time I was finished: O V T C Z 2. Naturally, my eyes were a little worse than they were two years ago, a quarter diopter on the right side, a half on the left. It's part of growing older; it started when I was a teen (my distance vision got all fuzzy), shifted when I was in midlife (I could see fine at a distance but needed the infamous drugstore glasses to read) and now God knows what's going on in there (multifocal contacts work wonders: 20/15 now). Additionally, there are cataracts starting. Ugh.

Vision changes are such an emblematic part of the aging process. Even people with perfect eyesight when they were young now, at midlife, have trouble seeing clearly without some sort of correction. We somehow need to start being less self-reliant as our vision begins to shift. Denial works only so long. For those too proud or vain to accept help, eventually it becomes obvious to everybody that your eyesight is changing and you just can't read the fine print. Then there comes the nervous little laugh as you pull out the readers from your inside jacket pocket when the menu in the dim light of the romantic restaurant becomes totally illegible. Sooner or later, reality strikes.

As you progress into your midlife transition, what once seemed to be a very clear vision of the future begins to get increasingly hazy and unclear. You find it more difficult to see clearly where you're going. You find yourself fixated on certain aspects of your life, and miss some important features of the surrounding landscape that now seem to be coming at you too fast. Where once you were very sharp and on top of all the details, you begin to discover that you've missed some of the fine print and find yourself blindsided by those pesky details. Have you lost your edge? Are you on your way down and out? Will you be able to find your through the rest of your career, or should you prepare for the white cane and the Seeing Eye dog?

Over the course of time, I've mentioned a number of the factors that conspire together to make midlife the most challenging period of a person's life. I can't repeat them too often. Here are two important factors that every man - every person - has to deal with during the midlife transition. First, you need to realize that your life vision changes more radically during midlife than at any other time. You don't change your basic life assumptions easily; they have to shift because they no longer work for you. You discover that the rewards and paybacks that you counted on from your successes fail to satisfy you. The results turn out not to be worth the price you've paid. Like a 'dissolve' on a TV screen, your old fantasy of what the future will hold for you fades and gradually gets replaced by a totally new and different one. You see your future with different - more mature - eyes.

At the same time, the sheer volume of information coming at you, the number of decisions facing you, their severity and the speed with which you need to handle them increases dramatically. Whether or not your mental acuity remains as sharp as it ever was (I think, if you were able to see yourself objectively, you'd find that your midlife acuity would actually be greater than when you were younger), you're going to miss an ever-increasing number of details because there are so many more details coming at you. Because the challenges of midlife have grown gradually over the years, the change in your external world seems hardly noticeable. It feels, rather, like you're just not as capable of handling it all as you once were. In fact, you're undoubtedly more capable now than you were then, only your capacity hasn't (and couldn't have) kept up with the pace of all you've had to cope with.

Once I accepted the fact (years ago) that my vision would change over time, I also came to accept the fact that I needed help with it. I accepted the corrective lenses and the necessity for regular check ups. The same should be said for midlife. Once you accept that you're not Superman (a difficult transition in itself), you're ready to take the next step and look for help handling the superhuman expectations that are being laid on you. Periodic check-ups become ever more critical. That means that you take the time to evaluate where you are and where you're going, what's important to you (and what's not), and to seek out trusted people in your life to serve as your mentors and coaches. You can't - and you shouldn't try to - do this all by yourself.

Next, after you've decided what's really important to you, you need to learn how to prioritize. That means becoming an expert manager for your own life. Why are managers paid more than those they manage? It's not just because they're more capable of organizing their workload. It's mainly because they have the knowledge and skills necessary to know how and when to say 'No!' to their superiors. How effectively can you san 'No!' to the demands that threaten to blur your life vision? How clearly can you see what's really important to you and your future and what's not? Once again, the aging process has little to do with the deterioration of your lfie; as you grow older, you're given the opportunity to take your life to a higher, much more meaningful level than ever before. Regardless of how this new set of 'lenses' looks to the outside world, how clearly you see your way forward during midlife, and the courage with which you follow that path, will determine whether or not, in your own heart of hearts, your life will be a successful one.

H. Les Brown, MA, CFCC
ProActivation® Coaching
Website: http://www.ProActivation.com
E-Mail: info@ProActivation.com

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Copyright © 2008 H. Les Brown


Double Chin Plastic Surgery

By Jared Rothe

Do you have saggy skin beneath your jaw? Is the skin there fatty as well, thereby giving the impression of multiple chins? And are all these the cause of depression of your aging life? Well, you don't have to worry anymore because in this age of science and technology every problem has a scientific solution. And in this case the name of the solution is double chin plastic surgery. The precise and technical term of this blessing is Tumescent Liposuction. This is a procedure whereby fat is extracted from the skin beneath your jaw with the help of small incisions.

Is the name and concept of this treatment sounding new to you? Does double chin plastic surgery immediately only make you think of face lifts? Or for that matter chin tucks? Well, it appears like you are pretty educated about double chin plastic surgery but not pretty updated. True that these are also forms of double chin plastic surgery but they are less preferred these days due to the relatively less side effects. We all know that after plastic surgery there follows a recovery period and that this kind of treatment inevitably leaves behind scars. Well, with Tumescent Liposuction these side effects are much less and therefore this is more preferred than the other methods of this treatment.

The biggest advantage of this process is that it uses new technology microscopic instruments for the incisions. This makes sure that the incisions made are extremely minute, further, such spots are chosen for these incisions that don't easily come to the notice of people. And so you don't have to worry about the awkwardness of people becoming aware of the surgery. So you can just enjoy the envious faces of your friends without the fear of being discovered, when you suddenly start flaunting your tight neck and teenage-chin.

Plastic surgery sounds like a boon but on a second thought many people, especially women, get scared at the thought of bleeding. But with this new technique of plastic surgery it is ensured that bleeding is minimal. You'll be subjected to only local anesthetic. Many older patients also wish to tighten their neck and jaw region muscles through this process, and therefore their neck looks like a teenager's.

One of the biggest blessings of this treatment is the recovery period. It is unusually short. The other advantage is that general anesthesia is avoided and so it is not in the least risky!

When it comes to plastic surgery, surgeon and patient discuss beforehand how the face is to be restructured. Some surgeons might even give you the computer image of your face post-surgery.

In today's changing world men are walking shoulder to shoulder with women in the field of beauty. They are no longer shy of looking after their beauty. It is therefore that more and more men today are opting for plastic surgery as well. They too are get their neck and under-jaw tightened to get that euphoric feeling of youth.

The neck and chin region will be bandaged for about a couple of hours and you might feel a bit of pain in the region. But remember it's temporary and above all, the pain is worth it.

Lose a double chin today at http://www.loseadoublechin.com

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