
How to Lose Weight With Emotional Freedom Techniques

By: Laura Whitelaw

Have you tried endless crash diets only to wind up frustrated and heavier than ever? It's well known that dieting doesn't work over the long term. Although you enjoy the benefits of a leaner body and better health, you feel deprived in the process and so revert to your regular eating habits once the diet is over. Maybe it's time to try Emotional Freedom Techniques or EFT. EFT is a cutting edge energy therapy that uses the acupressure points on the face and body to neutralize the emotional charge that arises with food cravings, stress or negative emotions - all of which can contribute to overweight.

Neutralize Addictive Food Cravings

Food cravings can be effectively neutralized using EFT. The next time you have a food craving, notice how it makes you feel. Do you feel stressed or anxious? In most cases the answer would be "yes" and so this demonstrates how food cravings are brought on by underlying emotional upset rather than some mysterious and uncontrollable urge. With EFT, we treat the underlying emotions and the craving disappears.

Address a Destructive Body Image

Another reason for overweight is poor body image. If a person believes that they don't physically measure up to the high beauty standards set by fashion magazines or some other to some other standard, they develop a poor body image. And, by the Law of Attraction, if they focus on being fat, they will become fat. So with EFT, we address these hurtful issues and with self acceptance are able to develop a more realistic body image which enables a person to reduce weight.

Improve Self-Esteem

Further to the above, self-esteem goes hand and hand with body image. Perhaps a person feels stupid and therefore unworthy which results in over eating and then overweight. And once a person becomes overweight, they feel even worse about themselves and it becomes a negative downward spiral. EFT can successfully unravel all of these issues and more.

To learn more about EFT from Master Practitioner Carol Look and to find out How to Lose Weight with EFT, check
out How to Lose Weight with EFT. Enjoy 5 hours of recorded audio as Carol guides listeners through numerous issues contributing to overweight including food cravings, low self-esteem, poor body image, stress and overwhelm.

Laura Whitelaw is a Certified ZPoint and EFT-CC practitioner. If you want to learn more about EFT, visit
visit Overcome Addiction with EFT .


All About HL7 Messaging

By: Anton Pearce

Health Level 7 (or HL7) messaging is a means by which the vast array of medical health databases can "speak" to each other in a common language. Since the late 1980's, there has been an explosion of various vendors offering health information technology systems all designed around unique aspects that each vendor felt was important. While the individuality made it appealing to different segments of the medical community, problems with integration and communications among various IT systems became evident. In other words, a patient's information in a hospital could not be conveyed to a radiology center or pharmacy because each had different operating systems. This problem has continued even today and presents a challenge to developing integration of healthcare systems nationally and internationally.

In this regard, informatics specialists began to designate a "code" or language that could be used in designing different health information technology systems. From this came HL7 messaging, which allows interfaces between different electronic systems to communicate. Prior to this, customized programs had to be written to accommodate two systems allowing conversion of informational traffic both ways so successful integration could occur. This was very time-consuming and cumbersome, not to mention costly. Now approximately 80 percent of health IT systems contain a core of HL7 messaging so the ability to design HL7 interfaces is much easier than before.

Why is this important? For a start, the ability to enhance communication between two different IT systems allows patient data to be transferred along a continuum of their care. This creates better knowledge of a patient's condition across the board and prevents duplication of expensive diagnostics due to the lack of prior health information. In addition, larger data pools across large networks connected through HL7 messaging interfaces enhance evidence based outcomes data and clinical research data. This has the potential to dramatically improve healthcare quality.

HL7 messaging interfaces provide a solution for the need to share medical and clinical information among systems without the extensive work of customized programs, and they also continue to allow some individuality among different IT solutions software which is important for the different style of clinical practice. By having a language framework of HL7 messaging "code" at their core, various IT systems can transfer key information that can then be formatted into an end product consistent with their unique product. On the user's end, they still enjoy a tailored product that they desire, but at the same time can have access from many other systems which contain a patient's information.

As a need to contain healthcare costs become an increased burden due to greater longevity of life and increasing costs of technological medical advances, the need to have various health informatics systems communicate well is going to be crucial. Having HL7 as the core language allows interfaces to relay information between systems that will help contain these expenses. Soon, all IT systems in healthcare will carry this basic framework. That means instead of a healthcare system having to spend enormous amounts of time and money in joining a new universal system, they can simply create a HL7 interface that allows communication to other systems. This will be the easy solution moving into the future.

If you are unaware of HL7 messaging interfaces, this is an area you may need to become familiar with as time moves forward. Ultimately, all healthcare systems will require this in order to provide the best quality care at a reasonable expense. Resources are limited and wasting this valuable healthcare information due to a lack of integration will eventually be intolerable in comparison to the need for improving healthcare. These solutions even now are very feasible options to meet the immediate need for IT integration.

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Blood Cleanse

By: Shane Crafton

First Impressions

This one is for your liver, that one is for your colon, and some claim to cleanse the entire body. Blood Cleanse, by Health Plus, Inc., is similarly marketed. According to the product promotion, Blood Cleanse is great for relieving the bloodstream of all sorts of bad stuff. From toxins to fats to mucus to cholesterol, Blood Cleanse is supposed to purify and deliver nutrients to the blood. Benefits of this product include an enhanced immune system and relief from the consequences of poor dietary choices.

I'm sympathetic to the cleansing cause. By all means - let us cleanse the body. But I think we can do quite a bit of cleansing on our own if we attend to our diets. According to Health Plus, Inc., sugars, white flours, fatty foods, caffeine, alcohol, and food additives can increase congestion in the blood. Here's a novel idea: why not reduce these rather than rely on a blood cleanser? Just a thought.


Blood Cleanse contains Burdock Root, Dandelion Root, Echinacea, Red Clover Blossom, a Carotenoid Complex (which includes Beta-carotene), Chlorophyll, Choline, Folic Acid, Copper, Phosphorus, and Vitamin B12. I found Health Plus, Inc.'s ingredients discussion a little hard to swallow. As with many herb peddlers, any given herb can be characterized in any desirable fashion. This is not to say that herbs are useless. They are very useful. However, supplement companies have a way of twisting descriptions to fit their needs.

Take Burdock Root in Blood Cleanse's formula for example. According to product advertising, Burdock root is useful for removing toxins from the blood and lymph fluid, and it may also help the kidneys remove acids from the blood. But this might be another way of describing Burdock Root's diuretic function.


This possible manipulation exposes Blood Cleanse's main drawback: that it contains many conventional herbal cleansers that are simply described as blood cleansers. In other products, they might be described as colon cleansers. It becomes hard to know who to trust.

Would I Use Blood Cleanse?

I would probably continue to shop for a better option. Blood Cleanse isn't terrible, but it's not that impressive either. A good detox patch might be a useful option.


Some have criticized Health Plus, Inc.'s website. Some are pleased with Blood Cleanse overall. But mixed reviews are the fate of mediocre products.

Before purchasing any weight loss product, it would be a good idea to see what people are saying
about Blood Cleanse on the very popular DietBlogTalk.com

You can also click here to get even more detailed information from Sensational.com on
Blood Cleanse.


Facial Exercise to Look Young

By: Lea London

Facial exercise is the only way to keep your face the way it was when you were young. Imagine yourself sitting on a couch in your own home watching a DVD with men and women exercising continuously to music. They are happy because they are getting their faces and necks in shape with aerobic exercise. Aerobic exercise is the continual movement for a period of time (twenty minutes). By using your hands for resistance you build the muscles even larger. Larger muscles stretch the skin and rid your face of the wrinkles. It also takes the stretched sagging out of the muscle therefore raising the skin back to its more youthful position. By exercising continuously you push blood and oxygen into all the cells repairing and building stronger cells.

Did you know that it has been shown that within the first 15 seconds of meeting you that person has formed an opinion of you based on how you look? It's sad buy true. What do you think was the first thing they saw when they looked at you? Your face and neck. Your looks can send your life forward or backward. It can help you get a job or lose one. It can start a relationship or end one. There is no need to spend any unnecessary money on laser, shots, and surgery. As long as you work it you will look young. Remember use it or lose it!

Losing your youthful good looks can start as early as 20 years of age. Our bodies start to age as soon as we are born but we never see inside until later in life when something breaks. It doesn't matter what your age. Face and Neck Aerobics will help change you!

You can find help
at http://www.act-on-antiaging.com

Written by Lea London. For all information go to http://www.act-on-antiaging.com


Flowers - Sweet and Fragrant Sinus Home Remedy

By: Megan Wong

I was walking through the market today and stumbled upon a peddler selling dried flowers and teaching you passionately how to make a flavourful flower drink to heal you from all types of illnesses and allergies. He was selling such a wide range that I spent almost an hour talking to him and sipping the flower drinks which he has prepared for us to sample. The 'spectators" were also given a list of all types of flowers which we can use to prepare for ourselves a healthy flower drink to heal ourselves.

Roselle - soothing, cure for heart disease, dry cough and tonsillitis

Forget Me Not - good complexion, improve kidney function and boosting the immune system

Marigold - improve liver function, hemorrhoids, insomnia

Lily - Regulate our lung and excretory system, relieving cough

Osmanthus- relieving cough and loosening phlegm, strengthens lungs

I bought osmanthus, lily and stevia rebaudiana ( this is a natural sweetener) for my son who is suffering from sinus. He told me to steep in hot water for about 5 minutes, strain and drink. I tried the drink myself and the taste is so refreshing, flavourful of the flowers and pleasantly sweet and it leaves a tingling and soothing effect on your throat. My son who is 8 years old loved the drink so much that he requested me to make a jug so that he can drink it anytime.

Using flowers is one type of herbal treatment, a most natural sinus home remedy which you can drink anytime to cure your sinus infection. There are thousands of plants and flowers which you can choose from and your sinus home remedy may contain a dozen flowers or plants and they may work within a few days but you should see some improvement in your sinus infection after a few weeks. Herbal treatment can be used to treat any allergy particularly respiratory infections like a sinus infection.

You can try the above concoction of flowers which I used as your sinus home remedy to cure your sinus infection because it really works great with my son. You can also try this potent blend of 3 plant extracts - cinnamon, thyme and cloves - you can learn more on how to use it from

Many allergic conditions like sinus, asthma, eczema respond well to complementary medicines and when used hand in hand with conventional medication, you can heal faster and keep you healthy and most important enable you to cut down on the drugs you are taking.

There are many complementary therapies which you can explore and use safely like herbal medicine, aromatherapy, exercises (QiGong), homeopathy, naturopathy, hydrotherapy and energy healing just to name a few. You can visit sinushomeremedy website to discover how you can use these therapies to heal yourself of allergic infections and search for the most suitable and effective remedy for yourself as every individual is biologically different and what one remedy will work for you might not work for others. Keep searching and eventually you will find one.


7 Tips to Give Natural Relief For Sneezing From Seasonal Allergies

By: Vicki Zerbee

To successfully combat symptoms like sneezing from seasonal allergies it is important to know what triggers the reaction. You do not have to know specifics, but understanding the processes will help you form a plan of action in your battle with seasonal allergies. Before we get to the 7 tips, let's briefly explore what happens.

An allergic reaction is when your body's immune system reacts to what it believes to be a harmful substance. The body releases histamines to subdue what it sees as an invader. This harmful substance is usually something common such as pollen, grass, weeds etc. Different people will suffer from seasonal allergies at different times, depending on what their bodies interpret as foreign. Some may suffer from spring allergies, seeking relief from the sneezing that accompanies this seasonal allergy, when it seems everything is in bloom. Others, who feel congested or have water eyes, may only suffer when certain plant pollens are in the air, such as the red cedar bloom in Texas. There are folks who suffer seasonal allergies all year through, going from one allergic reaction to the next.

As each allergic sufferer has different substances that trigger reactions, each may suffer in a different way. In addition to sneezing and watery eyes already mentioned, a stuffy nose and sinus headache may be added to the symptoms. It is the immune system's way to rid the body of the substance it sees as hostile.

The drug companies have turned season allergies into big business. There are plenty of over the counter medications available as well as prescription drugs you can get from your primary health care provider. The good news is there are steps you can take to relieve your seasonal allergies naturally. Of course consult your primary health care provider if your symptoms are severe and be sure to tell them of any steps you are taking to help find relief.

Let's look at some natural alternatives.

1- First evaluate your diet. The way to a healthy immune system is initially through proper nutrition. Ensure you have a varied diet full of nutrient rich fruits, vegetables and whole grains. This will help all of your body system function to their optimum and allow you to better combat seasonal allergies.

2- If you are looking for something to sweeten your tea, there may also be a form of relief in sight for your allergies as well. Honey as a seasonal allergy relief option has worked for people, although you must use a local honey. Honey has pollen in it. If you use a honey which is local to your area, it contains the pollens which are making you stuffed up and wheezy. The theory behind using honey is much like an allergy shot your doctor gives you. Taking a teaspoon or two a day of local honey a few months before allergy season will help your body desensitize and boost your immune system.

3- Certain vitamins can aid in allergy relief. Vitamin C has been shown in studies to help alleviate seasonal allergy reactions. It is a natural antihistamine. Vitamin E is an antioxidant. This means it can fight free radicals causing allergies. It can also help the immune system. Citrus fruit and broccoli are good sources of Vitamin C. Vitamin E can be found in whole grains and food such as spinach. If you can't get enough to create the measurable results that you need for seasonal allergy relief, there are pharmaceutical grade natural supplements that produce the best results.

4- Magnesium is a mineral that can be helpful in allergy relief. Studies have shown many people seeking season allergy relief are deficient in magnesium. Once the level is raised the sufferer notices less symptoms. Magnesium is located in green leafy vegetables as well as nuts. If you do not have these in your diet consider pharmaceutical grade supplements.

5- There are a natural immune builders that many people use successfully to not only manage allergy symptoms but to improve immune function that help the underlying causes. Natural interferon immune builders can build immunity and for some people help fight the condition itself. Echinacea is an herb that stimulates the body's natural resistance to foreign invaders, giving the immune system what it needs to stay strong. It is taken for short periods, such as a week at a time, to supercharge the immune system. Other herbs that can be found in combination with echinacea are black elderberry and larch tree; both help the body maintain a healthy immune response.

6- Fish oil has also been known to help alleviate season allergy symptoms because it is an anti-inflammatory. Allergic rhinitis actually means inflammation of the nose. When you can alleviate the inflammation, it helps with the pain and discomfort many people suffer.

7- Probiotics are healthy bacteria that work in our intestines to strengthen our immune system. Probiotics are especially helpful after a course of antibiotics or if your immune system is run down. The use of probiotics has increased significantly in the past five to ten years, and is one of the fastest growing supplements.

Taking a few simple steps to seek natural relief for the sneezing from seasonal allergies, and a host of other symptoms, may help those who suffer find measurable relief during allergy season, and all year long since we are constantly exposed to allergic irritants like free radicals, illnesses, disease, and pollution of different kinds including toxins and chemicals.

You can learn more about pharmaceutical grade natural supplements from the #1 natural nutrition company that have been proven to work better at building good health at http://www.yourhealthwebsite.net

Vicki Zerbee is the owner of http://www.AntiAgingByDesign.com where you will find an abundance of natural health and wellness solutions.


Central PA, USA


Cabbage Soup Diet For Healthy Weight Loss

By: Jeffrey Warne

When you are on a weight loss, you always look for a weight loss plan. Cabbage soup acts as a miracle diet for weight loss when obese people are asked to lose weight before a surgery. You can lose 10 lbs a week.

This diet combines cabbage soup with fruits, vegetables and meat. The way to make cabbage soup is as follows: Cabbage soup recipe:

1. White cabbage, chopped.

2. 2 sliced green peppers

3. 1 KG sliced carrots

4. 6 large onions, chopped

5. 4 stalks celery

6. 1 or 2 canned pealed tomatoes

7. 1 or 2 teaspoon vegetable soup mix.

8. Pepper, herbs to taste

How to Make:

Take a bowl and put all the vegetables and cover with water. Bring them to boil till the vegetables are soft. Do not add salt. Eat as much soup as you want. Take this diet for seven days but in combination with other foods:

1. First day - Fruits

2. Second Day - Vegetables

3. Third Day - Fruits and Vegetables

4. Fourth Day - Bananas

5. Fifth Day - Fish or Chicken + Tomatoes

6. Sixth day - Steak + Vegetables

7. Seventh day - Vegetables + Rice

You can cook the cabbage soup every day using the above recipe. It is great for overall good health, good digestive system and natural weight loss.

Cabbage Soup may lead to nutritional deficiencies. So you must combine this diet with protein supplements such as homemade protein milk shake once a day. Make cabbage soup daily yourself using the above recipe and lose the extra weight. You may also have a look at a good diet plan to help you lose the extra fat and stay slim.

Checkout ExpertWeightLoss.Net For More Information and Learn How to Lose Weight Quickly without Exercise And Limiting Food Intake.

See the Perfect Diet Plan which Helps You Lose Weight In The Easiest Possible Way.


3 Secret Tips to Have the Best Master Cleanse Experience

By: Joel Riley

If you have always wanted to start the Master Cleanse but just had too much conflicting advice from friends, colleagues and relatives, then these 3 secret tips would get you started in no time and you will have the best Master Cleanse experience ever. Remember, the Master Cleanse is not a diet but a cleanse. It is perfectly safe; the only cleanse to be endorsed by many health professionals. And it has been around for more than 50 years, quietly bringing relief to anyone willing to try it for 10 days.

So what are the 3 secret tips to ensure a fruitful Master Cleanse experience?

Tip #1 - Ease into the Master Cleanse a special 3 day soothe-in diet

This 3 day diet is not found in the original Master Cleanser. Yet it has proven especially useful for those who have adopted it into their program. Its purpose is to acclimatize your stomach to a fluid diet with more ease. It is done 3 days prior to the actual Master Cleanse. And during the ease-in-process, you will restrict your diet to organic food and less consumption of processed foods. This means you should keep your intake of red meats and dairy products to the minimum while at the same time increase your intake of vegetables and fruits. The 3 day diet is extremely easy to follow and will greatly eliminate any possible discomforts in adjustments to a fluid diet when you begin the Master Cleanse.

Tip #2 - Keep your body energized by using the right ingredients

Many tend to overlook the importance of selecting and using the right ingredients for the Master Cleanse. While the ingredients used for the cleanse might seem fairly common, much thought and research were once put in to ensure that your body gets the required nutrients when on the Master Cleanse. Take Maple Syrup for example; have you ever wondered why Grade B Maple Syrup is used over Grade A? Besides the higher nutritional value, Grade B is preferred because it contains sucrose instead of fructose which is more easily broken down during the metabolic process. This will provide you with enough energy to continue your daily activities without feeling depleted.

Tip #3 - Exit the master cleanse with an ease-out-menu

When you are on the 10 Day Master Cleanse program, your digestive system was resting. Hence it is strongly encouraged that you follow an ease-out-menu instead of jumping into a solid diet immediately. This was also encouraged by Stanley Burroughs in the original Master Cleanser. The ease-out process will take about 3 days and unlike the ease-in-menu, you will be consuming fresh fruits, vegetable and some brown rice instead before gradually moving into a solid diet. You should also avoid food which are salty, fried food, red meat, milk products, soft drinks, coffee and processed foods. Imagine how much healthier and energetic you would feel with such healthy eating habits.

The Master Cleanse is extremely easy and comfortable when you follow the above 3 simple tips. It will be a total body rejuvenation. And you can achieve all this without drugs, expensive spa treatments or having to work your butt off. You will experience more energy and enjoy your best health ever in 10 short days.

Veteran Master Cleanser reveals how to embark on the Master Cleanse Diet in 4 simple steps. The Master Cleanse doesn't have to be that darn hard to complete if you simply follow The Master Cleanse 101-104 lessons FREE! Grab the Master Cleanse recipe for free as well!


Did You Know About Green Tea and Prostate Cancer?

By: Gordon P Hall

When it comes to green tea and prostate cancer prevention, health experts agree that it may help. If you are looking for a treatment, your best source for information is a doctor of naturopathic medicine or an ND. They are aware of standard treatments, as well as complementary and alternative treatments. Many men seek these kinds of treatments on their own, but the greatest degree of success is seen when an ND is consulted and their advice is followed.

Prostate cancer has the second highest incidence of all cancers in males, worldwide, but incidence and mortality from the disease are highest among men living in affluent, industrialized societies. Because of this, it is obvious that environmental factors, including dietary factors, play a role in the development, progression and severity of the disease.

In some populations, where the beverage is favored over others, there is a lower incidence of several different cancers. That is what instigated the studies of green tea and prostate cancer prevention.

The active component in the tea leaves are believed to be catechins, a kind of antioxidant. Antioxidants of all kinds have proven to be beneficial for slowing tumor cell growth in the laboratory.

A diet that is rich in antioxidants may help prevent cancers of all kinds, because antioxidants prevent free radicals from causing the mutation of cellular DNA that leads to cancerous growths. Most of us know about the common antioxidants; vitamins A, C and E. But, practically every plant in the world contains unique antioxidants, with varying potency. There are even some amino acids that have potent antioxidant activity.

If you wanted to include all of them in your diet every day, it would be very difficult. Some of the plants are not generally eaten; marigolds, saw palmetto, red clover, nettle root, passion flower, algae and gingko biloba are examples. The solution is supplementation. It is an easy way to get vitamins, minerals, amino acids and plant extracts, without completely changing your diet.

Claims concerning green tea and prostate cancer prevention are considered verifiable by the US Food and Drug Administration. But, why settle for a single-ingredient supplement, when so much more is available.

There are specially formulated men's supplements that contain all of the extracts mentioned above, along with green tea extract and your daily requirements for the standard vitamins and minerals. It just takes a little effort to find a good supplement, because most of the brands on the market are just not that well-designed.

In addition to green tea and prostate cancer prevention, the FDA allows claims concerning breast cancer prevention, as well. Basically, the plant is good for everyone, as long as they don't drink too much. The caffeine content can cause problems. Health care professionals agree that drinking green tea instead of coffee is healthier, because the caffeine content is lower and the nutritive value is much higher.

If you continue to learn about green tea and prostate cancer prevention, you will find that there are lots of things that you can do to reduce your risk. It is well worth your effort to learn more. If you have two minutes to spare, please take a look at my website now.

Gordon Hall is fervent about enabling you and everyone to live a healthy lifestyle, and is an ardent reviewer of herbal, vitamin and mineral extracts. To discover which supplements Gordon recommends after far ranging and extensive research. Visit his website now at: http://www.your-supplement-resource-site.info


Breast Cancer Diet Tips

By: Kirsten Whittaker

It's true, women who survive breast cancer and load up on nutritious fruits and veggies as part of a breast cancer diet (a whole lot more than the current U.S. dietary guidelines) might just slash their risk of a tumor recurring by nearly one third. This according to a just released U.S. study to appear in the Journal of Clinical Oncology.

The researchers took another look at data from almost 3,000 breast cancer patients (average age 53) who were part of research that focused on diet and preventing breast cancer recurrence.

Half the participants were told to double their fruit and veggie intake to 10 servings per day, eat more fiber and lower their daily fat intake to levels under the government recommendations, a type of healthy eating that's been shown to lower the risks of developing breast cancer in the first place.

The other group was merely given information about the U.S. food guidelines.

An important distinction of this latest study was that it found the reduced risk of tumor recurrence came only for women who didn't have hot flashes (a common side effect) after their cancer treatment. Women who did cope with hot flashes after treatment were found to have lower estrogen levels.

"Women with early stage breast cancer who have hot flashes have better survival and lower recurrence rates than women who don't," said Ellen Gold of the University of California Davis, who was a leader of the research. Earlier work supports the theory regarding hot flashes and rates of tumor returns.

Researchers noted that vegetables and fruits act on suppressing estrogen (suspected in driving the most common form of breast cancer). They point to individual levels of the hormone as a possible explanation for inconsistent study results regarding fruits and veggies and reduction in recurrence of breast cancer tumors - some studies said they helped, others showed they didn't. It may be that differing estrogen levels in the individual that offers another clue to this discrepancy.

The team found that only 16% of subjects, without hot flashes, who had doubled up on the fruits and veggies had their tumors return after a seven year period.

Of those given only diet advice and information on guidelines, the tumors returned in 23% of the subjects. Women who had been through menopause lowered their risk by a whopping 47%.

The amount or fruits or vegetables you need to eat per day is well over what the U.S. recommended daily allowance of 2 cups of fruits or 2½ cups of veggies. You'll want to choose a variety of these healthy options, and look for foods grown as close to home as possible.

Be sure that when you bring these good-for-you treats home, you wash them well (with warm, soapy water), rinse and dry them carefully to remove pesticides, herbicides or mold.

Breast cancer is the most common condition, affecting women in both North America and Europe, and it is the second leading cause of death, after lung cancer, of American women.

Your lifetime risk of getting breast cancer is estimated to be 1 in 8, but thanks to today's treatment and detection options, your chance of dying from breast cancer is much lower at 1 in 28.

Now, with this research revealing useful breast cancer diet tips, even these numbers can be improved with the addition of a whole lot of good-for-you fruits and tasty veggies!

Next just head on over to the Daily Health Bulletin for more health tips including more on healthy eating, including breast cancer diet tips and get 5 free revealing health reports.


Simple Solutions to Childhood Obesity

By: Steve Cowley

I am fortunate in living in a very beautiful part of Spain - right next door to Benidorm! For those of you unaware of the significance of that statement, let's just say that Benidorm has a bit of a reputation; it is seen to epitomise the very worse of "The Brits Abroad" syndrome! In reality it is a lively, fun, holiday resort which certainly doesn't deserve much of its bad press. As I drive through it though I can't help but notice the sheer size of so many of the holiday makers - mum, dad, and kids, all clones of each other, waddling along with stomachs leading the way! Of course, I know nothing about them as people and it is certainly not my place to judge; my comments are related to their physical size and the problems that are inherent in carrying too much weight.

If there were no health issues attached to being overweight then we would not be concerned about it. But there are - the research is quite conclusive about that. If you carry too much extra fat then your health is in danger. Recent figures painted an alarming picture of just how much of a problem this is becoming. If things go on as they are then within a few years some 12 million adults and 1 million children will be obese in the UK alone. Over the past 20 years levels of obesity have doubled in adults and tripled in children and adolescents. The problem is even more extreme in the US where the massive numbers of overweight and obese people are leading to serious public health problems.

As adults we are free to make certain choices as to what we do with our bodies. However, we rightly protect our children from making some of these choices until they are old enough to understand the consequences for themselves. We don't let them drink or smoke until they reach a certain legal age; which or course leads to that age old "game" that nearly all adolescents play where they "experiment" anyway! However, where food and exercise are concerned we are perhaps not quite so careful. It is quite legal for children to stuff themselves with foods of all kinds, and in quantities that would make our forefathers turn in their graves.

I believe there are some simple answers to a majority of the child obesity problems. Unfortunately, simple isn't always easy! Like so many of society's problems the solution may revolve around what goes on in the family itself!

In my work as a fitness professional I have always taught a very simple formula in dealing with weight loss. We need to move more and eat less; actually I encourage people to change their eating habits, very often this means eating less but just occasionally it can actually mean eating more or more regularly! Move more and eat less - not exactly rocket science is it?

If we look at the way children spend their time we can see that so much of their life now revolves around sitting down. Whether it is in lessons at school; watching TV; playing on computer consoles; or just staying indoors. The media has frightened us into keeping our children locked inside and it is a lot easier for them to entertain themselves in front of a screen. As parents we may not always approve of this strategy but at least our children are safe. Contrast this to when I was young - a few years ago I know! We were always outside playing, never at home.

So, one of our answers has to be to get our children moving again. If you are worried about their safety then find a supervised activity - there are so many to choose from, not just the traditional team sports either.

The second solution is a bit more delicate! One of my mentors told me that we cannot not teach! Excuse the double negative but he meant that we were always teaching something, often with our actions rather than our words. As parents we teach all the time - our children are very astute and they learn far more from our example than from our words! "Do as I say" is nowhere near as powerful as "Do as I do"! This means that if we are very much over weight as parents then it is very difficult to tell our children to lose weight!

So, for many families the solution to their children's obesity is right there - in the family. If it is tackled together as a family problem then the solution is much more likely to be accepted by the child. Lead from the front and by example and your children will generally follow you. Say one thing but do another and there is no chance!

There are several additional benefits to adopting this united approach. It can actually be a great bonding activity within the family unit as everyone works together and supports each other in tackling a shared issue. It also extends the health benefits to the whole family, not just the child. Finally of course, eating a healthy diet is often cheaper too!

Two simple things: Get your child moving again and change their eating habits. If you want more information on a diet plan that everyone can follow, is enjoyable, and gets outstanding results have a look at my website below.

Steve Cowley has run full-time Fitness and Martial Arts Clubs for over 25 years. His goal is to empower people to take control of their own lives and achieve the fitness success they desire. For further information about his weight loss recommendations visit http://www.fitnesssuccess.info


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