
Cabbage Soup Diet For Healthy Weight Loss

By: Jeffrey Warne

When you are on a weight loss, you always look for a weight loss plan. Cabbage soup acts as a miracle diet for weight loss when obese people are asked to lose weight before a surgery. You can lose 10 lbs a week.

This diet combines cabbage soup with fruits, vegetables and meat. The way to make cabbage soup is as follows: Cabbage soup recipe:

1. White cabbage, chopped.

2. 2 sliced green peppers

3. 1 KG sliced carrots

4. 6 large onions, chopped

5. 4 stalks celery

6. 1 or 2 canned pealed tomatoes

7. 1 or 2 teaspoon vegetable soup mix.

8. Pepper, herbs to taste

How to Make:

Take a bowl and put all the vegetables and cover with water. Bring them to boil till the vegetables are soft. Do not add salt. Eat as much soup as you want. Take this diet for seven days but in combination with other foods:

1. First day - Fruits

2. Second Day - Vegetables

3. Third Day - Fruits and Vegetables

4. Fourth Day - Bananas

5. Fifth Day - Fish or Chicken + Tomatoes

6. Sixth day - Steak + Vegetables

7. Seventh day - Vegetables + Rice

You can cook the cabbage soup every day using the above recipe. It is great for overall good health, good digestive system and natural weight loss.

Cabbage Soup may lead to nutritional deficiencies. So you must combine this diet with protein supplements such as homemade protein milk shake once a day. Make cabbage soup daily yourself using the above recipe and lose the extra weight. You may also have a look at a good diet plan to help you lose the extra fat and stay slim.

Checkout ExpertWeightLoss.Net For More Information and Learn How to Lose Weight Quickly without Exercise And Limiting Food Intake.

See the Perfect Diet Plan which Helps You Lose Weight In The Easiest Possible Way.


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