
Women Who Are Pregnant At the Highest Risk for Lead Poisoning Complications

By: Peter Kent

Women who are pregant are at an extremely high risk for complicating their pregnancy if exposed to lead paint or developing lead poisoning.

Additionally, the following are tips that will help a pregant woman avoid lead exposure:

Clean Up!

Cleanliness is next to godliness...and can help pregnant women escape the dangers of toxic lead exposure. Pregnant women should clean the house when they see the presence of chipping paint or dust - both of which can contain lead particles.

Cover chipping paint in your home with duct tape, plastic or contact paper, and vacuum dust whenever possible. A wet cloth will help wash down painted and dusty surfaces, protecting you from lead particles and their potential dangers to you and your fetus.

Hand-washing, while common-sense, is not practiced enough, so be sure to wash up after interacting with soil, which might contain lead toxins, and before preparing food or eating. Wear garden gloves and wash up after dusting or mopping to prevent cross-contamination with your food or water.

Craft With Care

Ceramic and other pottery may have its appeal, but with lead paint posing a very real threat to your fetus, it may be a good idea to avoid ceramic crafts until after your pregnancy. If you must interact with lead-containing pottery or paint during your pregnancy, be sure to wash your hands well afterwards and wear protective clothing. Although women who utilize crafts and other similar activities have the ability to continue crafting, one such craft that should be avoided is soldering.

Change your clothing after working with lead-filled crafts materials and be sure to wash them away from other family members' garments. Take Care At Work Occupational exposure to lead is dangerous for men and women, but pregnant women run the additional risk of lead contamination to their unborn children.

Additionally, it is advisable for women who work with soldering irons, welders, lead paint or other similar chemicals or products in a manufactoring environment to cease and desist all work until after the pregancy and breast feeding. Washing hands as often as possible may decrease the risk, but women should still request a transfer so as to not expose their unborn child to lead. It is also important to avoid tainting your familymember's clothing by separating lead exposed clothing in a different hamper from other, everyday clothing.

A household can quickly become a dangerous area if shoes exposed to lead are brought inside. Educate yourself about the hazards of lead exposure and be certain to talk to your doctor about how your prenatal care can reflect your concern about lead poisoning and lead exposure.

Seek Legal Advice for Exposure

If you have been exposed to lead paint or other lead at work or at home, consult a doctor and then a lawyer. The injuries associated with lead poisoning can be extremely expensive, which is why developing a lead poisoning lawsuit to potentially receive monetary compensation is an ideal option for many.


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